Multiple bug problems


I was wondering if the Dev team or even anyone else might offer a suggestion in terms of fixing an issue which I have seen pop up on a few peoples accounts. In most cases the fix was the Dev team getting in contact with the person involved directly and fixing it manually. The issues I'm experiencing are:  

1.  During chapter 2 - The quest marker labelled, 'talk to Metrodora' appears. I speak with her and the quest marker remains the same. I have gone to a new system, restarted the game, verified game files nothing has worked thus far.

2.  IRT Omicron Arkh, he has vanished from my bridge and has not reappeared after doing the above following.

I have a lvl 42 crusader as my only character and my profile name is DDDDD (original I know )

any help would be appreciated. 

Many thanks

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Multiple bug problems
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3 years 198 days ago
Too easy mate, Im just happy you guys are looking into it. 
3 years 200 days ago
This seems to be a more complex problem and as such it will take more time to fix it. We would like to ask your kind patience in the following period.
3 years 203 days ago
Hey mate,

 cheers for getting back to me. 

LVL 42 Crusader name :- MAYTR

Playing on PC

Thanks again mate.

3 years 204 days ago
Can you tell me your ingame account name and the platform you are playing on? Our devs will check on the issues you encountered.