Mission: Hunt for the flahsip


Hi I've been playing the mission entitled Hunt for the flagship. After the start of the mission of clearing a small handful of insurgents it comes to the part where Greuxus beams up to the Enterprise (couldn't help myself sorry).

Then you must make sure you take out 3 different nurgling prutride nests. And most importantly not let the teleporter be destroyed.

Everytime I tried doing this I get mission failed.

I've tried two different ways:

Way one: I tried taking on the left/middle/right all on different occasions destroying each and every mob right up to the nest and destroying the nest. shortly after making my way back its mission failed due to the teleporter being destroyed.

Tried the above method about 6 times.

Way two: I waited for a long period of time at the teleporter, fending off waves (trickles) of mobs awaiting the wonderful Grexus to return. With no avail.

Please say this isn't a bug and I'm doing it wrong. If so please let me know how I'm doing it wrong

Most importantly LOVE THIS GAME. Thank you all to the Neocore team. Keep up the great work.

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Mission: Hunt for the flahsip
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6 years 291 days ago

Just done it, had to use the Damage Amplifcation purple temp mod

6 years 291 days ago
What minefields? there are no power ups for this mission? Please say I'm being thick this mission isnt possible currently. I get the 2nd nest destroyed and bam the idiot npcs cant protect the silly teleport.
6 years 292 days ago

When the mission began, I had a small meltdown and hit the Esc to give me a minute to think... now for the record, I never saw any world activation items like turrets or mines, but doing a flat run through, skipping all the enemies I managed to go from Gate to gate and stop the waves. The Guard were able to hold them back for that amount of time with minimal help from me as I transitioned between the three. Kitted out as an Assault Crusader with Sword n Board, 20% run perk active. My biggest issue, I can't complete because about halfway through all the NPCs went invisible, which I think has something to do with persistant onscreen corpses from other occurrences I've had, so no turn-in for me /sigh

6 years 293 days ago

Don't forget to place the 4 minefields in front of the terminal (save the 2 first given on the fist part for put 4 before leaving). Try to reach asap one of the three target, destroy it and go back to the teleporter, clean the area, go for the second target, go back, defend and go for the final one. 

When the third target die the mission is finish, you don't have to go back defend.

It's easyer to go with a build maxed on speed for this mission.

6 years 293 days ago
I found the way to do this was take a mobility armour (Assault for me, because Crusader), jump through the mobs, nuke down the gate, and get back to the beacon as quickly as possible. Rinse and repeat.

Sadly mine is bugged, so it doesn't count as complete, but I have finished the mission this way twice now.

6 years 293 days ago
Thanks for the feedback, we'll check this out!
6 years 293 days ago
yes i have this problem too,at chapter 4 first mission and i dont know if its a bug or im doing something wrong. pls help us, cuz i cant continue the campaign.