Martyr Release - Final Dates - A letter from our Producer


Dear All,

first of all, I’d like to skip the excuses, so let’s get straight to the point and start with the bad news.

We had to delay the release date of Warhammer 40,0000: Inquisitor – Martyr to 5 June (2018).

The reason is simple, really. Some technical issues were solved a bit late on one of the console platforms, therefore the release candidate version couldn’t be sent to manufacturing in time. We’d like to release the game - in agreement with our console publisher Bigben Interactive and our licensor Games Workshop - on all three platforms at the same time.

In a nutshell: we have somewhat overestimated our capacity for releasing the game simultaneously on three platforms.

And now that we’ve got the bad news out of the way, I’d like to tell you why this could be a good thing after all:

On one hand, the usual, but always very true statement: this means that the PC version gets three extra weeks of polishing, which is never a bad thing. This also means that the game will be in a much better shape at release.

On the other hand, now that we’ve messed up the big date of the original announcement anyway, we decided to still do one big Beta build update for Steam. 

With the three extra weeks, we’ll now have the time to do this and trust me, all the harsh criticism, I mean the extra feedback will help us immensely to balance and fine-tune the game.

Therefore, the dates now set in stone:

  • Fresh Steam Build – 21 May
  • Release – 5th June

Again, sorry for this as we kindly ask for your further patience and hopefully it won’t be a deal breaker for any of you.

In return, we promise we’ll push this three weeks hard so it’ll be very-very useful for Martyr.

Zoltán Pozsonyi

This post was modified 6 years 296 days ago by Morzan
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Martyr Release - Final Dates - A letter from our Producer
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6 years 297 days ago
Oh, are still here...what a suprise....

I am still amazed how you can bring Neocore into this. If you want to blame someone, blame BigBen, it was their responsibility to inform about the delay, not Neocore's.

Yesterday Morzan said there will be an announcement from BigBen today and it has been published today.

6 years 297 days ago
So where's the Announcement then...

In true Neocore style 

that's been delayed 

6 years 299 days ago

I was going to say somthing about how that is not a way to tell someone else to be nice,

but you two are apparently just made for each other. :D

6 years 299 days ago

----message deleted----

Please be respectful to each other.


This comment was moderated 6 years 298 days ago by Morzan
6 years 299 days ago

----message deleted----

Please be respectful to each other.


This comment was moderated 6 years 298 days ago by Morzan
6 years 299 days ago

Or maybe you remain calm, voice your concerns and don't throw your toys out of the pram and start insulting people, and people will actually take you serious.

This comment was edited 6 years 299 days ago by akathanam
6 years 299 days ago
Oh be careful you'll end up getting down voted by the "Neocore Brown Nose Fanboy Group".
6 years 299 days ago
I find it funny and disturbing at the same time, that there has not been any official statement on this yet,

except for the things a store said, delived to us through a customer.

6 years 300 days ago
You are very quick to judge, that Neocore is completely at fault here.

Yes, of course they know about a possible delay, because they are the ones, that found out, that there is an issue with th console version.

As i said before, it would not be that uncommon, if GW and BigBen told Neocore not to give any official statement before the beginning of next week. It could be possible, that GW and BigBen are still discussing how to handle the situation, if a delayed release for consoles would be acceptable for GW or if a buggy version would be better....or if they shall also delay the PC version.

Neocore has been quite open regarding features, ideas, new stuff and even delays and content, that will not make it to the final version, so this silence doesn't fit in. I think they got an order of silence from BigBen or GW about any information regarding the delay. Which means they cannot talk about even if they want to.

But if you don't buy it, then fine, you can just leave and don't have to come back here and fret about it. Spend the money elsewhere and be happy about it.

6 years 300 days ago

Ok so you are saying Neocore are the Developers & Distibutor for the PC version , GW, is the money behind the game, and BigBen are a partner / Distributor for Console versions... if i follow your thread..

So it's a fair assumption that BigBen & GW will have had a meeting at some point say maybe Thursday / Friday and asked how the game was coming along, as not actually developing it themselves they would not know day to day how it's going...sound fair to you ??

And at that meeting would have been Neocore...makes sense yeh

And also at that meeting Neocore would have said "You know what guys, because of (whatever is actually wrong with whatever version of it) ......... it's not going to be ready for June 5th....also makes sense 

So at the same meeting either BigBen or GW said "Ok fair enough... now here's a jolly weeze lets just keep this between us and not tell anyone else... how funny will that be"

Sorry but, just like the game if it ever actually comes out.... i just dont buy that.

Neocore would have known...

they must have known...

So why no official communication  

6 years 300 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 300 days ago
All software crashes at some point and most online only games have server bugs in them,  sort your life out
That's a rather dull argument, it's like saying "Many people ignore speed limits, so I can ignore them as well". Only because software can crash and can have bugs, it doesn't mean it's ok to release a game, that has some serious issue. We are already living in times, where many developers/publishers think it's ok to do that and fix it later, after they made some money...or don't fix it at some cases.

I am not the one running around, complaining about the release date in several different topics, so I don't think I'm the one who needs some life sorting.

In the end, there are 3 parties involved in the whole issue, Neocore as the developer and publisher for the PC version, BigBen Interactive as the publisher for the consoles version and GamesWorkshop as the one holding the license. This also shows the hierarchy, Neocore propably has the least amount to say about the releases and GamesWorkshop the most.

If I remember correctly it was GamesWorkshop who ordered them to have one release date for all versions and I think in the steam forums they wrote a very small post, saying that the PC version is still on track, but they only have a technical issue with the consoles version. So now Neocore, BigBen and GW need to figure out, if they delay none of the versions, delay all of them or only delay the consoles version. 

I'm sure they got the order from BigBen and GW to not give any official statement, before they decided on the way they want to go.

6 years 300 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 300 days ago
You are spot on,  and it's not the fact that it's been delayed again that is p1ssing me and lots of other people off, it's the fact that 10 hours after the fact that the store I had it pre ordered from tells me it's delayed, there is still NOTHING from the people who are supposed to be developing the game in the first place.

Surly they must know about tho

Did you ask that store of yours, if it is an actual problem with the release date, or with the shipping of some sorts?

I kind of want to believe that it's not like they already know they'll delay again, told that store but not the players,
but then again, I want quite a few things I'll probably never get. ;-;

6 years 300 days ago
You are spot on,  and it's not the fact that it's been delayed again that is p1ssing me and lots of other people off, it's the fact that 10 hours after the fact that the store I had it pre ordered from tells me it's delayed, there is still NOTHING from the people who are supposed to be developing the game in the first place.

Surly they must know about tho

6 years 300 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 300 days ago
All software crashes at some point and most online only games have server bugs in them,  sort your life out
In fact, there are very, VERY few pieces of software that have no bugs, and I dare say there is no software over a certain size that is bug free.

It is usually just measured in bugs per 100 or 1000 lines of code. :D

6 years 300 days ago
All software crashes at some point and most online only games have server bugs in them,  sort your life out
6 years 300 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 301 days ago

Therefore, the dates now set in stone:

  • Fresh Steam Build – 21 May.
  • Release – 5th June

Who would have known stone could have been so malleable

So you want to play a game, that occasionally crashes or has some sever bug in it?

....I highly doubt that, so stop whining around and be thankful for a developer who doesn't want to release a game that is not polished and working as they want it to be.

6 years 301 days ago

Therefore, the dates now set in stone:

  • Fresh Steam Build – 21 May.
  • Release – 5th June

Who would have known stone could have been so malleable

6 years 304 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 305 days ago
Hummm... (Strokes chin thoughtfully in light of recent Announcement)


Yeah, it's funny seeing people overreact to nothing.
6 years 305 days ago
Hummm... (Strokes chin thoughtfully in light of recent Announcement)


6 years 325 days ago


One of The First suggestions Mighty Snakefist had was voting to be removed completely. People should oppose with arguments and not click of the button. 

In His Infinite Wisdom, He suggested or discussed many Crucial Questions to a Great Depth, only to be down-voted because of role-playing in forums. Some people have no sense of humour, sadly.

Mighty Snakefist,

Wise and Powerful

6 years 332 days ago
That means there is atleast an unknown-size, consensus. THAT I can live with. Getting downvoted willy-nilly on the other hand, is void of information. Don't mind being argued with or worse, as long as its done with some effort.

And yes, since I am now on a downvote roll I will roll on with effort. And promethium.


Vlricus von Kronstadt

6 years 332 days ago
Posted by Vlricus von Kronstadt 6 years 332 days ago
But I get a downvote? This stinks of heresy, and the only thing that gets that smell away is promethium. Applied rigorously to the face.


Vlricus von Kronstadt

I gave you a up vote so it's 2 down votes :(

6 years 332 days ago
But I get a downvote? This stinks of heresy, and the only thing that gets that smell away is promethium. Applied rigorously to the face.


Vlricus von Kronstadt

6 years 332 days ago
Crosses my fingers and hopes everything goes well.
6 years 332 days ago
Posted by uriel1884 6 years 336 days ago
The Delay is for ONE of the console versions, not both, (the clue is in the big underlined section of the release)

Which one are they having issues with my money is XBOX, as there is already Alpha Version PS Footage on YouTube.

Focus Home Interactive have just cancelled release of Space Hulk Deathwing on XBOX as there Dev's could not get it working, at what point will Neocore do the same  

A small delay is fine. If there would be a second delay then there may be cause to release on the ready platforms first and try to resolve the problematic one later. Also, running on a dev kit and passing certification are two separate things. So while play tests were done on the PS4, that does not mean that the code is ready for release.

Just look at PoE and you will see that sometimes it is the system architecture that makes one console easier to port than the other. Regardless, we will find out more on June 5th.

6 years 332 days ago
Posted by Centurion Teri 6 years 338 days ago

I really don't think its acceptable to delay a digital pc product because of consoles.

Wanting to honor a contract with a publisher regarding a simultaneous release on all platforms is good business. While it would be nice for PC to get it early doing so may cause problems with bonuses or other revenue streams that would adversely affect Neocore. Given that they have already detailed upcoming support for Martyr, why risk invalidating a contract when the delay is relatively small anyway? Besides, you can still play it early on May 21st.

6 years 334 days ago

Console Betas are a very important tool.  Just like any other beta for any other platform, this allows the game to be mass tested and exponentially improves the chances of finding bugs to fix that weren’t found during in-house testing.  This way we aren’t paying full price for a product with a potentially game breaking bug at launch. 
6 years 335 days ago
One nice thing you guys can do for the community is to explain in some more details the seasons...

1) should be 4-6 weeks, ok, but what about level limits (Inq and Acc, though I hope from the depths of my heart that the last one will be removed completely or nerfed greatly) - would they remain 50/60 or somewhere mentioned 40 or something else?

2) season 2 - the same,

Reason why this is important to me (and probably others) is character building and it's importance - it's rather safe to say that with 40 skillpoints all chars of the class look generic, or perhaps in 1-3 variants (full melee, one mixed and one ranged Crusader, for example) - 40 skillpoints can make *some* difference, but not really much, and that 'situation' should last for 1.5 months, if not delayed

Same goes to Season 2 - words about '10 more levels' - wright or wrong were present and 50-point situation is pretty much alike the 40-one. Except we're talking about 3 months, perhaps more...

To build a truly own or unique character, a player needs either more skillpoints (not too good, something *needs* to be left for later expansions) OR greater 'width' more skilltrees reasonably equal of power, forcing the player to chose between them. This might as well be fixed with (Alignment difference and/or) very similar skilltrees - example:

- Movement skilltrees,  has movement speed, has nice cooldown bonuses, has good finalizer. NICE! And bit *too* nice. Whatif it's constructed as a 2 separate skilltrees, one offering more of one, second of other? Current one is *too ideal* even for starting character, because at least part of it is taken by almost every class.

Point of this is that even something like 200 skillpoints doesn't mean so much IF there's enough *side* skilltrees, or need to complete *both* (or more) of them for maximum effect, or if there's progressive skillpoint cost for late skills (above finisher, they are improvements, but cost reasonably more - player need to chose either a specialization or 2-3-whatever skillpoints invested in something other).

Of course, theory is not something that is crucial in this frantic work time...

Some info about seasons (and beta contents) would be nice, and shouldn't take too much valuable time...

Mighty Snakefist,

Wise and Powerful

6 years 336 days ago
I does not give me joy to have NeoCore set a goal and not reach it; aka the realse date. But this is exactly how a GOOD developer handles a difficult situation:

explains the difficulty, lays out new timelines all the while keeping the community informed.

One might like their choice, one might not, but atleast they are honest and forthcoming enough to say how things are. I'd rather have honesty and good hard work come before pr-managment and spin-doctors.

You need not ask us kindly Neocore; give us your honesty and atleast I will give my full support to the very end.

The Emperor Protects


Vlricus von Kronstadt

6 years 336 days ago
The Delay is for ONE of the console versions, not both, (the clue is in the big underlined section of the release)

Which one are they having issues with my money is XBOX, as there is already Alpha Version PS Footage on YouTube.

Focus Home Interactive have just cancelled release of Space Hulk Deathwing on XBOX as there Dev's could not get it working, at what point will Neocore do the same  

6 years 336 days ago
I don't understand the few comments asking for what benefits the console version get from this delay.

The console version DOESN'T WORK. The delay is ONLY to have it running correctly. Else, they would have done the polishing and tunning AFTER the release.

Hence, the console version is the one who benefits most from the delay as it goes from to broken to playable.

Moreover, they won't do a beta on console as the console version is bugged. And when it is corrected, they will directly go to release, not add another delay for a pointless beta.

6 years 336 days ago
They won't put out a beta on consoles as they just can't be bothered, if they could they would have announced that yesterday.

I am also wondering what date the next "delayed due to (insert random excuse here)" will be, I'm going for week commencing 24th may, let's see exactly how set in stone the release date really is 

6 years 336 days ago
Posted by Ougtok 6 years 336 days ago
I wish they wouldn't wipe after beta, but doubtful. I may get on the beta and check the differences but probably put game down on priority play list until full release, which is a dangerous thing for some gamers like myself. 
Agree. But a greater fear is that I take the 2 week block as an indication that there is more delays comming. 

6 years 336 days ago
I wish they wouldn't wipe after beta, but doubtful. I may get on the beta and check the differences but probably put game down on priority play list until full release, which is a dangerous thing for some gamers like myself. 
6 years 336 days ago
What about BETA on consoles? To be Sure the produkt dont suck on this platform, it should be also standart but nowhere i find any Infos if this planed and how to be a Part of 
6 years 336 days ago
i been playing this game since feb 2017 and from what it was then to what it is now is a big leap so if taking 3 more weeks from original release to tiddy up things is fine with me rather have a good fun game then a unfinished one keep up the good work 
6 years 336 days ago
True, will do.
6 years 336 days ago

Please let people know you're kidding about the 90+ hours a week. They're freaking out and believe you were serious. 

That said, take your time and don't let entitled whiners guilt you into giving them stuff. You don't owe them anything but a quality product. 

This comment was edited 6 years 336 days ago by garion333
6 years 336 days ago
Any news on digital versions being posted on consoles stores for preorder along with the different editions?  Pretty much the only reason I haven't preordered yet.  All that is currently available in the US for console is phsycial standard editions for preorder.
6 years 336 days ago

you see that they have a bit of difficulty otherwise the release date would be the previous one.  

always ste console that ruin everything !!!

This comment was edited 6 years 336 days ago by Silma
6 years 337 days ago
It's done when it's done.
6 years 337 days ago
Mighty Snakefist approves! Being both Wise and Experienced, He decided to take a vacation at JUNE, 2nd half. Beta is welcome, because of too much added stuff with just internal testing doesn't promise stable and reasonably-bug-free game, and ultimately someone would start screaming about... A Bug! A Disconnect! Anything, really...
6 years 337 days ago

 "The PC version gets three extra weeks of polishing"

So what do the Console Customers get, the ones who have waited just as long as the PC ones, who dont have the Luxury of a Beta Version (or are you planing to offer a Beta for console users)

The ones who (you hope) will spend there hard earned money on your product

We just get told to wait... AGAIN...and put up with it..

Yeh that seems fair...  

Cheers Neocore ! 

6 years 337 days ago
Just to clarify... 5th June we have release of full version, and 21st May? Beta on Steam? Will Beta last till 5th of June?
6 years 337 days ago

Will this delay be of any extra benefit to the console versions?  #consolepeasant4life

6 years 337 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Yes, unpleasantly nowadays nearly no game exceeds the beta-state at release time, users have to deal with bugs due to shorter time-to-market and the developers possibility to serve updates bite-by-bite long after release date. Remember times before everyone having tons of Mbps internet connections - a game was done and completed at release day. No patches, no bugfixes, nothing.

Well, your idea is quite romantic :) ...hoping for getting better experience through would possibly improve the game like you stated on a small project with few (none) other members involved.

"...add something they always wanted to include, change something they weren't happy with..."

This will never ever happen in the last few weeks before release, the design/feature freeze was weeks if not months ago and all design changes can break things in other areas no one is aware of. 

 So all what could possibly be done is: "...adjust something to look a little smoother", and even that is doubtful:

If your dev-teams are behind timetable, every single department member will work the hell out of to get things sorted and assist,

and not waste time by making that edge a little smoother or this lighteffect a little fancier.

From my experience, if you're (really) done with testing and bugfixing and have time left to release, devs focus on the next part/project and do not bend a single finger on the old one, to not eventually break something that is already working.

6 years 337 days ago

Well there are features the players haven't seen. Therefore there's every reason to expect changes to be demanded during the beta. The chances of the entire launch being 100% perfect and infallible to criticism is.... unlikely.

The house analogy doesn't work for me. Being "finished" is only an expression that means it meets standards of the player base or perhaps the developers.  

To me games are far more like a film or like a piece of art. I don't think there will ever been a developer who is passionate about his project who doesn't want more time to add something they always wanted to include, change something they weren't happy with or adjust something to look a little smoother etc etc. Money just gets in the way of that. 

Heck give me a pen and paper and i'll write a list of possible refinements from here to Callabongo. 

6 years 337 days ago
We understand do what is necessary. But you must also understand that you should reward your supporters, the already buyers, those who waited.
6 years 337 days ago


kidding, right?

You are telling us, that your console release is behind timetable for three weeks and you are pushing 90+ hours a week...whilst the PC version is ready as planned?

Who will ever believe, you do "polishing" on a completed game, while at the same time your developers struggle with 90+ hours to get the console build ready? Even if you have separated development teams (which is most likely)? Which kind of polish shall that be?

That's like building a house, and because the roof is delayed by a month, you polish the floor in the basement...completely unnecessary and an absolute shoddy trick to humour the users, who have already payed for.

Yes, you probably have your contracts with publishers to release all platforms at the same time,

so tell this! But to argue this with some polishing as 'positive part' is hardly to believe.

"...and hopefully it won’t be a deal breaker for any of you."

It is.

No goods, no extras, no price reduction for your expensive early access,

not even a simple excuse for letting your customers wait.

"...first of all, I’d like to skip the excuses..."

Very diplomatic. Flown through the nursery with the jet fighter?

I definitely will think twice buying again from you.

6 years 337 days ago

I know I'm weird but this is a good thing for me, I'll buy my gaming notebook at the end of May or the first days of June. It was disturbing me that I can only join late to the party but now it is the God Emperor's blessing (and Neocore developers)! Thank you! :))