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- Martyr - Endgame Overview
many of you have been asking about our plans regarding endgame progression, and the time has finally come for this topic.
In the close future, a series of events will lead up to our first Season update. Here is a brief timeline of our plans about the challenges awaiting Inquisitors worldwide:
During the next weekend (June 15-17), a shorter global event will take place. This will be tied in with a new short story from the Caligari Archivum, and Inquisitors will have to deal with invaders at a new point of interest. There will be community-wide goals to achieve for this event, and of course, successful Inquisitors' efforts won't go unrewarded.
There will be leaderboards implemented for the event (along with all such events in the future). This event will be the first chance for the most skillful Inquisitors to permanently etch their name into the game.
A few weeks after this introductory event, the foreshadowing of the Warzone begins with a week-long event that will have a permanent result on the game world based on the community's deeds within the Caligari Sector. This event will take place in the Lacaon System.
The Warzone will open soon afterwards, unlocking endgame leveling for players. This will mean that on the Progression tab, new active and passive skills can be unlocked via doing Endless missions within the Warzone. These missions will be gradually tougher and only seasoned veterans of the Caligari Sector will be able to progress far into the Warzone.
Within the Warzone, players will be able to search for keys that can be used for spawning a special Boss, a Nemesys, that will drop better quality, rarer items for those who are worthy enough to face them.
The Warzone means the lead-up to our first Season. Currently, there is one subsector available in the game world - the Tenebra Subsector (Tier I). The new Season will begin with yet another global event in late summer, and when the event ends, a whole new Subsector will be opened to players (Tier II). This Season will introduce the Dark Eldar faction along with an increased level cap, new items, perks, enchants, and new missions.
Of course, all such Events and Season updates will be completely free for everyone.
This is the base of the Season system, and our plan is to keep this progression going with unlocking new Seasons throughout the lifespan of the game.
To sum up:
- A series of Global Events will introduce the Warzone within ~1 month
- Within the Warzone, players will be able to unlock active and passive skills via Endless leveling
- These events will have a global community goal and a permanent effect on the game world
- The Warzone also allows players to farm keys used for fighting a Nemesys boss
- After the Warzone, the second Subsector will be unlocked through an event
- This will increase maximum level cap, introduce a new faction, new items, perks, enchants, quests, and more.
- More and more Season updates will come as the game progresses along, providing free content throughout the lifespan of the game.
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- Within the Warzone, players will be able to unlock active and passive skills via Endless leveling
"Endless leveling"
I can't express how much I love the sound of this and the thoughts of always getting stronger gear and getting more powerful, exploring new sectors, zones, seeing new enemies (models, attacks, animations etc) and much much more.
It also does give me concern on how you execute it unless I am just getting my inner child hopes and dreams up for no reason and misunderstand how the concept works haha. Still the idea sounds really great.
I already expressed my thoughts on the event on another thread but Ill share a small bit here.
I personally enjoyed it and will not speak for others, but I do agree the reward was something I didn't want as I never cared for emotes in any game in my life especially in a ARPG where I would have preferred a armour skin or something more unique. In the end I still thank you Neocore games for the emote! just please in future, give us something else or even a choice of reward? as the 5000 kills I did mention it took 5 - 7 hours to do and I do not know the problems or what other difficulties other people are having but I hope you can address them for those people, as for me I wish there was more mission types as one mission type (can't remember the name of it) was buggy a couple of times. (the mission where you destroy the bunker at the end of the mission after taking out the anti airship guns?)
Looking forward to warzones and more events, looking forward to more content as I am loving the game and as always thanks!
1: Always speak in a positive way to expect beneficial results.
2: Always speak like a gentleman because you are a man.
3: Always be respectful to each other and especially to the dev team because they want to see also from us what kind of community are we. We the gamers expect from a game at it's day of release to be perfect so it qualifies our high standards witch we qualified with so many years of gaming experience i understand that but so must you. Because this is wrong. A wonderful game is being made after it's release with the help of the community and it takes time and it will never be perfect.
The game is a masterpiece in it's field, very enjoyable and noone can doubt that. Ofc it's not perfect and has some bugs and mistakes cause humans made it and it is OUR duty and responsibility with our feedback to make it better.
There is a difference by being a player and part of the community. The Devs make the game but the perfect cooperation between the community and the devs afterwards is what makes the game going.
The devs and especially the leader of the team will demand for company support, funding and more recruits if he sees a big and healthy community.
You are that community so start acting like it.
4: You speak about a lazy and not enjoyable event? Alright you might be right from your point of view but consider this, the team is currently working for bigger things that they promised us to come and that team always deliver what they promise so far. Every week they fix things, every week we have something new and this small event was something to keep us going just before the battlezone, dark elves and more things to come.
Have patience trust but most of all understanding especially when the devs make an error. We the responsible community inform them about it with our feedback and they fix it, That's it.
The game is a masterpiece, the devs are great, let's be the community we should be.
To sum up:
- A series of Global Events will introduce the Warzone within ~1 month
Please .....by all whats considered holy...spiritual or what the heck....but please DO NOT release another '' EVENT''......you are really ....really ....and this is not ment in harms way.... bad , at ''writing'' Events....
They also, besides displaying laziness far beyond the "we don't even give a fck", showed that they are willing and able to do literally everything wrong that can be done with such a thing.
I for myself am DONE with this ..."event" because all things left to do for me, after doing 2k/5k already, are "siege" missions that all reward only 20% of the exp/fate they should, and this is just so incredibly bullshit, it is beyond anything I am willing or able to put in words here.
If we take The Snakefist for example, he leveled one char to the max, is all in upgraded Relics and is changing weapons for testing suffixes. Apart from that, 2 other classes are progressing well. There are people which (if the Glory isn't faked) did like 5-10 times that. The hard-lock kicks it strongly.
This is a bad event, by all means. But I played Van Helsing, they made some events there and those were far better.
This one is probably in "let's spend minimum time on it, since we're chasing console release date" category. Which doesn't make thing much better, but I've participated in much better and funnier events by NeoCore (VH was wonderfully funny, events were too - He remembers one involving incredibly funny creatures called Domovoy - but that's another story)
Thing is that events were at least decent and He doesn't think NeoCore unable to write a good one. But this one is really bad, He admits...
To sum up:
- A series of Global Events will introduce the Warzone within ~1 month
Please .....by all whats considered holy...spiritual or what the heck....but please DO NOT release another '' EVENT''......you are really ....really ....and this is not ment in harms way.... bad , at ''writing'' Events....
Unlike you, I respected my word to ignore you completely and forever. However, we need to get one thing straight.
Without trying to be abolished of any guilt, I think this (your post) should be pinned again.
Many players have no manners at all, calling people trolls (we all have did that on a certain point), but taking other offensive and unproductive measures, like sabotaging a discussion, say by "quote whole post, put an acronym, offering no arguments except information that they are currently on the floor, likely laughing with or together with poster" method, and numerous other.
It wasn't like this at all on Van Helsing forums, community was different.
But, being a mod myself - well, admin and actually leader of accompanying moding-team; don't think it was a small community, it has few thousands members - I'd say things are bit slipping out of hands here.
We had option to report a post for different reason (trolling, aggressiveness - verbal or otherwise, spammers, and few other categories like 'being a retard' and 'proven troll' - after all, it was MY classification), and if my judgement, firm but fair, was in that written laws were broken, an appropriate measure was applied. Varying from warning to permaban - I didn't like people with 10,000 posts, normally you are a company with responsibilities, while I was just a modder who answered to no one and worked for free, so I could temporarily ban members with 20+ posts / day - I had no one to answer to :)
If the report was baseless, a measure against reporter was applied, too.
Oh, and my Mod time was >5 years, I think my opinion has some weight - regarding things slipping out of control, mainly - on method you'll apply you'll decide by yourself, of course... I mention the time and number of our forum members just for clarification that it wasn't a trivial thing...
This time I read the first few lines of your post due to curiosity,
and though it is not really clear, the intention is quite obvious,
and as expected, you just try to point the finger at others, which again is a typical troll move.
If you don't want to be called like that, you should drop your whimsical pseudo roleplaying way of writing, and your most likely deliberate "bad english", and your whimsical avatar picture does not help either.
In case you are not a troll, and you actually have that severe problems with the english language,
it helps a lot to make short and clear sentences, whereas you do the exact opposite and fill them with unrelated "RP" on top of that, putting a lot of effort in that way to make them even less readable.
So, again, if you want to talk to anyone here, at least try to be understood, you do not try at all.
And therefore you have no right to cry because of that.
And therefore I find it highly despicable and hypocritical how you try to point the finger at others.
I have not read everything on the forums here in detail, but you likely are deserving moderation more than anyone,
but then again, by the looks of your posts, that is your intention all along.
To get this charade to an end, I hereby vow to not respond to any of your posts anymore in any form,
unless you at least try to form understandable sentences.
Without trying to be abolished of any guilt, I think this (your post) should be pinned again.
Many players have no manners at all, calling people trolls (we all have did that on a certain point), but taking other offensive and unproductive measures, like sabotaging a discussion, say by "quote whole post, put an acronym, offering no arguments except information that they are currently on the floor, likely laughing with or together with poster" method, and numerous other.
It wasn't like this at all on Van Helsing forums, community was different.
But, being a mod myself - well, admin and actually leader of accompanying moding-team; don't think it was a small community, it has few thousands members - I'd say things are bit slipping out of hands here.
We had option to report a post for different reason (trolling, aggressiveness - verbal or otherwise, spammers, and few other categories like 'being a retard' and 'proven troll' - after all, it was MY classification), and if my judgement, firm but fair, was in that written laws were broken, an appropriate measure was applied. Varying from warning to permaban - I didn't like people with 10,000 posts, normally you are a company with responsibilities, while I was just a modder who answered to no one and worked for free, so I could temporarily ban members with 20+ posts / day - I had no one to answer to :)
If the report was baseless, a measure against reporter was applied, too.
Oh, and my Mod time was >5 years, I think my opinion has some weight - regarding things slipping out of control, mainly - on method you'll apply you'll decide by yourself, of course... I mention the time and number of our forum members just for clarification that it wasn't a trivial thing...
I would like to ask everyone here to stop being disrespectful to each other. If you continue then I will have to suspend your accounts for a certain amount of time. If you are not familiar with the Community HUB rules then here you can read it.
Wannabe compared to you, a successful one? Or, not so successful... But a little hint from the side, for normal people post/day speak more than words, also number of whole post quotes with 'lol' or other acronym below. I don't fall into that category, but you do...
I never had even slightest though that you are able to read wall of text, even so educational for a you young ones - especially because it deals with your and 'thank you, Scott' wrong opinions. If was in your place, having stated something that I don't know myself but have seen in all his "7 minutes of fame", and someone far better actually took time to oppose my hand-puppets formed opinions - than *I* would read. Maybe it's complete nonsense, like things you and 'thank you, Scott' post.
But a little hint from the side, evenso it's worth a while - what if someone actually cuts the post in your-attention-spam tiny fragments? What if someone makes a bad cartoon and puts it on youtube? You could be prepared to counter the hand-puppets scourge... and now you're not.
Oh, that show your "trollness" in it's glory - don't want to discuss without deviating from topic, don't want to use arguments - don't think I haven't noticed that your post have stopped to use those - it's rather 'yo english so bad...'
Whois my unhappy troll, who is?
Mighty Snakefist thanks you greatly, for pointing out that His picture is in children video, which need to inspire the Devs to make the game somehow better! A laughable fact, indeed!
So, he-that-should-not-be-named was browsing YouTubeChildren, as usual, so all of the sudden Spongebob appeared and warned him about dangers of "PowerCreep"! Much as He, in His Wisdom, predicted - but the extent of it... Of course he thinks gaming begins with D3, damned thrice, of course he thinks everyone is a money-grubbing micro-transaction-criminal... When Snakefist was young, the snow on most planets was so high... But we had to learn, had to read, compared to this 'discussion' D2-official looks like Mensa meetings...
But that's not the reason for a post - as some may know, Fasthand Ah Fu is the Fastest-nunchaku of The East and the Fastest-nunchaku of The West, a men using Naginata against Katana any day of the week. And yet - @VILEBROTH threats Him (HIM!) with physical violence?!
Seriously, Mods - rule old as them forums - physical threats = instaban. (note that Snakefist Snakeself states only his titles, while avoiding any violent looking phrasing).
In short, as a valuable lecture to kids today, I demand @VILEBROTH to be banned from forum because of feeble, but still not allowed by TOS, real-life violence threats. He should've agreed with them at some point. It's a matter of general principle and we can't have the whole kindergarten here threatening with use of a physical force.
...a little hint on the side, don't overdo it with wall-of-text-attacks, that one is definitely beyond what anyone would read.
@TAO12345 - PLEASE STOP READING - I'm may make a grammar error (though I'm kinda extremely literal in my native, know several other languages, do writing for a living - but *it's not in Holy English* - on that topic, isn't Imperium of Man main language Latin?)
Interdum stultus bene loquitur - is an essence of your post and a silly, irritating cartoon made by two wannabe-experts with voice modulator. Of course it applies to WoW and applies to D3, and of course PoE is a 'bright example' of the opposite, more reasonable approach...
[You scored big time, boy! Snakefist's avatar in that-STUPID-video? Pity you didn't see it, Snake]
So... As expected 'resident expert, thank you, Scott' doesn't know what PowerCreep(TM?) means... He's way to young, he knows too little... It's actually a WC3 term and originates for... but do your homework yourself...
Whatever 'thank, you Scott' or TAO12345 means, it's Interdum stultus bene loquitur - exactly the opposite... In short term, I'll teach you youngsters what is the case - and also why anyone shouldn't threaten physical violence in the forums - Mod, please ban!
What you and 'thank you, Scott' lack is primary school math. Oh, I had much more of that, but people who created WoW have it too (and used it on malicious purposes, when WoW made the title of cash-cow), and Mr.NoMath from D3 hasn't at all - read his ridiculous explanations about item-drops (oh, it's not on youtube, guess you'll actually have to READ) and learn the true source of D3 endless grind, made out of pure incompetence (it could never work, concept was wrong) and the reason why it exists at all is Blizzard NEED to be No.1 in their fields, and this one they can lose soon...
PoE tried to be innovative, to some extent they managed to, but I *personally* don't like it - doesn't mean it isn't a good game, merely that it's not ideal. And *surely* that not all ARPGs should blindly follow their confusing leveling (Oh, and you don't grind there? First time I hear about non-grinding ARPG)
And let's see your post... in details:
"- do not simply raise the lvl cap of players, and the power rating cap on items, it will only render everything you had useless"
1) Nice. We should have a hard-capped level. It's a great motivation for players for... a month.
2) We need lvl60 - as you may have noticed, we have Radical and Puritan, and only 3 Perks currently (and no means to *reach* Alignment Perk - that particular level is IMPORTANT)
3) Did you noticed, perhaps, that item lvl isn't 50? What do you conclude out of that? Nothing? Well, as Snake (i *think*) mentioned - a wide leveling. Weapon use varies, for example with full-DoT and no-DoT. Gameplay varies with Support skill-tree. How do you imagine they will ever become viable choices, if more SKILL POINTS (not levels, if you can even make distinction) aren't introduced? Every character has opportunity for, your-own 'thank you, Scott' apples/oranges.
4) I'm getting tired of criticizing this point alone, and seriously doubt your attention-span is good enough to read or comprehend more
"- instead add new items/weapons/perks/spells/buffs/skill/... that open new combinations and play styles without simply adding more grind and rendering all below the new max lvl useless"
1) Have you ever played ARPG? Or you mindlessly buy everything with WH40k on it and speak accordingly? I'm completely serious!
This is an essence of stupidity, and I could end this right now... And will, for sake of being less verbose. What is *your* idea? New content, like that Mace that is in game files for months, in it's Relic form, and exact to your wanted specification, APPEARS IN THE STORE? No working for it? Anything? Craft, at most? Nice, for a week at most... And as before, they DO add more playstyles by adding new skillpoints and (much feared) new levels and new system with (PLEASE, NO!) more PL?
- Power Creep means throwing away most of the stuff (game content) you (the devs) had for adding a lesser amount of "new" content, and the more you do that, the more grind also creep in between start and end game
1) It doesn't mean that, and even if it is, you may have noticed that the game isn't finished. We have that wonderful story to end, we have to get "vibrant, everchanging universe", we have to get a number of builds that exceeds "build of the week, as seen on yourtube, made with someone with brains, but almost mandatory because current patch dictates is" - basically D3...
2) Devs are doing EXACTLY what you think they're not. Read this as you like, but I think you're not fit to critisize people far better than yourself...
- adding more grind and rendering useless everything you achived previously, does not motivate most players and hurts the game, the player numbers and your revenue in the long run
1) Priceless! You want new content NOT to motivate players to play the game? Interdum stultus bene loquitur!
Also, you can't understand that, but PL is actually anti-greater-numbers system, and basically the first successful (well, I need to see where it's going, can't be sure yet). Works decently in MP, and perfectly in SP. Equalizes things, by not destroying them.
You won't understand, if I had a time I'd draw a cartoon with funny voices and hand-puppets to try to explain it... Bet you haven't understood 'thank you, Scott' points, in their fallacies...
You call someone a 'troll'??? HAHAHAHA - how come whenever I look at the forums, your name is on EACH post? How many have mine?
This kind of behavior is not allowed here, on the Community HUB. Please be respectful to each other. - Morzan
My points stand, laid out well, even explained with a video.
And no, "mr the count avatar pic", I am not going to even read you splutter,
if you have nothing to provide to this discussion, and how the devs of this promising game are going headfirst to repeat bad game design decisions of a 2000 aera...
...then I highly recommend you just stop making a fool of yourself,
but looking at your childish avatar and your probably deliberately unreadable nonsense,
this is very likely your inention all along.
No arguments. Run along. Haven't faintest idea - does your post have a meaning, or is just insulting to the devs - how to help game improve.
When confronted, it's grammar. And what someone said on youtube (so it must be true) is your "argumentation". Way to go...
Then calling people being FAR longer here who helped FAR more than you did (if you did) "trolls".
Don't worry, I have no intention to speak to you again.
Devs: Could we get 'Ignore' function?
No arguments, then? No vision, no ideas, nothing to counter other than grammar? That kind of 'grammar-nazi' attitude is simply ridiculous, perhaps you aren't aware that 95% people are *not* native English speakers, and you can't have both de facto lingua franca and perfect grammar?
Your post contains youtube link and wonderful clairvoyance about how-when-what-devs will do, a rude language towards them (grammatically correct, no doubt and that's all what matters), and dubious term PowerCreep - wouldn't grind be more appropriate in ARPGs you know so well?
then at least try to express your thoughts in clear english,
there is no way I am going to argue with you, or even read all the stuff that you write if you don't do that.
It just looks like bad trolling as it is, and I am not wasting my time trying to decipher that, or even argue on that level.
No arguments, then? No vision, no ideas, nothing to counter other than grammar? That kind of 'grammar-nazi' attitude is simply ridiculous, perhaps you aren't aware that 95% people are *not* native English speakers, and you can't have both de facto lingua franca and perfect grammar?
Your post contains youtube link and wonderful clairvoyance about how-when-what-devs will do, a rude language towards them (grammatically correct, no doubt and that's all what matters), and dubious term PowerCreep - wouldn't grind be more appropriate in ARPGs you know so well?
Not going to read all that bullshit in that form, sorry.
Any chance Neocore can explain how this plan will work for the console versions?
Not going to read all that bullshit in that form, sorry.
Mighty Snakefist doesn't have any need to watch any ARPG-theory youtube, in His Great Wisdom and Arrogance!
So, without watching that, what is *your* vision of expanding a random ARPG-like game (presumably putting WoW and Diablo2 into the same basket, or worse, D3)? Mind this, you can still get a Shine of Brilliant Mind reward from Snakefist at this point...
We have hard-cap at 50. We have 16 (+2) skilltrees with 10+ points each, and something like 52 skillpoints in the game. Though possible, veryvery 'off' builds containing Astartes+Close+Execution took as basic, all with accompanying 40 skill points, and making a build. Snakefist finds this extremely unlikely and unpopular (and not fun at all). Expansions *need* to allow player to customize builds, and to be honest - each rational build has HP / Movement / currently AoE, probably Criticals... Full build. No *wide* expansion.
[Snakefist wonders, for the first time, does the video listed even mention wide expansion?]
Please state your vision of adding content and goals without adding levels or points or difficulty or grinding.
Seems like a very fun, entertaining and exciting way of going, and see also that this will and can take the game to many exciting ways in the universe of 40k. Looking forward to this.
One thing pops up though, and that is this one: Within the Warzone, players will be able to unlock active and passive skills via Endless Levelling.
Could you explain this one please and how it ACTUALLY works/will work? Becasue it does sound like it could be possible to get ALL (in theory at least) the Skills you would like to have that are available to ones class of Skills on your Tree(s). Even beyond your Character Maximum Level.
There are a few things to consider though. When done well, obsolesence can be mitigated partially or completely depending on game design and smart choices. Inreasing level cap isn't always a linear power boost, it often also opens up more options. In the case of this game, with the trees being more PoE like, extra levels means more flexibilty in the skill trees, which opens up more variety. with your actual power levels dependent on more then just your character level + item level, it's not as static as, say, WoW where things pretty much run in a linear fashion. In short, I feel that they designed this game with more potential for broader growth as compared to WoW's linear growth, thus reducing the overall impact of the dreaded PC.
It also seems that they have a plan laid out with the seasons and space expansion. It's entirely possible that they're current balance and design takes into account these expansions, and thus the power creep isn't necessarily as big a thing. Imagine if Vamilla WoW instead of releasing with 1-60, they releas with 1-30, with the next 30 levels planned across 3 "seasons". The balance for level 60 is already there, just release over time instead of all at once. From a player perspective, this feels like expansions and level cap increases, but with the balance already set for 60, power creep isn't really a thing.
Now, I'm not saying that they did all this, or that their vision was detailed enough to take all this into account. I'm just opening up the possibilities so that you don't get to locked onto the whole level cap = power creep concept.
although it is a real thing, and they do need to watch out! PC sucks.
this means that higher character lvl must increase power rating as well.
So, yes, raising the lvl cap is a linear power boost here, with all the consequences.
And it makes no difference if you start at lvl 50, 30 or 60, with every lvl cap raise, all items that are not max lvl are not worth looking at anymore, and it's not just the items, but also the content.
Welcome PowerCreep! -.-
You, yes I mean you the devs, may have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxszx60ZwGw
For it nicely explains how this is a bad concept in itself.
What does this mean?:
- do not simply raise the lvl cap of players, and the power rating cap on items, it will only render everything you had useless
- instead add new items/weapons/perks/spells/buffs/skill/... that open new combinations and play styles without simply adding more grind and rendering all below the new max lvl useless
- Power Creep means throwing away most of the stuff (game content) you (the devs) had for adding a lesser amount of "new" content, and the more you do that, the more grind also creep in between start and end game
- adding more grind and rendering useless everything you achived previously, does not motivate most players and hurts the game, the player numbers and your revenue in the long run
Just don't do it! ;)
There are a few things to consider though. When done well, obsolesence can be mitigated partially or completely depending on game design and smart choices. Inreasing level cap isn't always a linear power boost, it often also opens up more options. In the case of this game, with the trees being more PoE like, extra levels means more flexibilty in the skill trees, which opens up more variety. with your actual power levels dependent on more then just your character level + item level, it's not as static as, say, WoW where things pretty much run in a linear fashion. In short, I feel that they designed this game with more potential for broader growth as compared to WoW's linear growth, thus reducing the overall impact of the dreaded PC.
It also seems that they have a plan laid out with the seasons and space expansion. It's entirely possible that they're current balance and design takes into account these expansions, and thus the power creep isn't necessarily as big a thing. Imagine if Vamilla WoW instead of releasing with 1-60, they releas with 1-30, with the next 30 levels planned across 3 "seasons". The balance for level 60 is already there, just release over time instead of all at once. From a player perspective, this feels like expansions and level cap increases, but with the balance already set for 60, power creep isn't really a thing.
Now, I'm not saying that they did all this, or that their vision was detailed enough to take all this into account. I'm just opening up the possibilities so that you don't get to locked onto the whole level cap = power creep concept.
although it is a real thing, and they do need to watch out! PC sucks.
Did you not understand the whole thing?
Or were you just unable to come up with any arguments?
Welcome PowerCreep! -.-
You, yes I mean you the devs, may have a look at this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bxszx60ZwGw
For it nicely explains how this is a bad concept in itself.
What does this mean?:
- do not simply raise the lvl cap of players, and the power rating cap on items, it will only render everything you had useless
- instead add new items/weapons/perks/spells/buffs/skill/... that open new combinations and play styles without simply adding more grind and rendering all below the new max lvl useless
- Power Creep means throwing away most of the stuff (game content) you (the devs) had for adding a lesser amount of "new" content, and the more you do that, the more grind also creep in between start and end game
- adding more grind and rendering useless everything you achived previously, does not motivate most players and hurts the game, the player numbers and your revenue in the long run
Just don't do it! ;)
I would like to ask everyone here to stop being disrespectful to each other. If you continue then I will have to suspend your accounts for a certain amount of time. If you are not familiar with the Community HUB rules then here you can read it.