Loot is disappearing after missions


Hello there.

I've a really really big problem:

My loot is disappearing nearly all the time...

I do a mission and after I came back to the command bridge my loot isn't there anymore!
During the mission I can see the items I get and I can equip these, but like I write befor, when I'm back in the
command bridge all items are disappeared!

And so do it in 7 of 10 missions...

I keep the experience and the currency but not the stuff I've looted.

When I'm switching items during the mission then I can use them, but after I'm coming back to the command bridge
my whole setup is like befor the mission!

I'm a big fan of the whole WH40k-Universe and now I'm playing with my friends "Warhammer 40k - Inquisitor Martyr" and it's
realy fun, but the fact, that I lose nearly all the time my loot is realy a big pain in the ass...

Can you pls help me!?

sincerely yours


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Loot is disappearing after missions
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5 years 245 days ago
Posted by Megapull 5 years 245 days ago
Thanks for the report and sorry for your inconvenience!

Can you give me your ingame account name?

It's "okay" so far, but a quick solution will be nice.

By the way, my mates don''t have the problem I have...

My Accountname is Boogey.

5 years 245 days ago
Thanks for the report and sorry for your inconvenience!

Can you give me your ingame account name?

5 years 245 days ago
Edit 2: Playing only in co-op... 
5 years 246 days ago
Edit: I'm playing on PC...