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- Loadout bug
I purchased a nice Rare Multi-Melta and was excited. I could now do some mean things to some ugly bastards. I placed it on loadout over the Heavy Bolter (I also put a basic flamer in my swap slot). I started up the match. I had my starter heavy bolter and plasma cannon again. So I exited the match to see if I messed up and didn't save my loadout changes or something. In my inventory were the default heavy bolter and plasma cannon that I had removed to place in my new stuff. In my loadout were the defaults; my new weapons were gone.
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Thanks for the feedback, we are already aware of this issue, and I have added this to our bug tracker. We'll try and fix this ASAP.
In the meantime, you can try verify game integrity via Steam and making sure you are using the newest, v0.1.2 build (Main menu, bottom right corner).
I tried a search to see if there were threads already for this bug, but I didn't find any. Sorry if this report was redundant.
Nope just happened again. I don't seem to be able to use anything other than the defaults. I'm just wasting credits.
Had the same bug. Was reported before. Push :D
The next time i tried it worked normal
I tried a search to see if there were threads already for this bug, but I didn't find any. Sorry if this report was redundant.
Had the same bug. Was reported before. Push :D
The next time i tried it worked normal
Set this current order state as My default.