Crash with report


Still experiencing crashes after new build.

  A problem caused this program to stop interacting with Windows.

Problem signature:
  Problem Event Name:AppHangB1
  Application Name:Warhammer_x64_11.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:589f6a34
  Hang Signature:986d
  Hang Type:513
  OS Version:6.1.7601.
  Locale ID:1033
  Additional Hang Signature 1:986d9e4b21945ccfc575430836b99a92
  Additional Hang Signature 2:8680
  Additional Hang Signature 3:8680a9cdaeda0bf6250e5951b50d0411
  Additional Hang Signature 4:986d
  Additional Hang Signature 5:986d9e4b21945ccfc575430836b99a92
  Additional Hang Signature 6:8680
  Additional Hang Signature 7:8680a9cdaeda0bf6250e5951b50d0411

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This post was edited 7 years 165 days ago by Voarag
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Crash with report
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7 years 164 days ago

Thanks for the feedback, we are already aware of this issue, and  I have added this to our bug tracker. We'll try and fix this ASAP.

In the meantime, you can try verify game integrity via Steam and making sure you are using the newest, v0.1.2 build (Main menu, bottom right corner).