List of Bugs


Lately many bad things have been occurring. Here is a list.

-Walls. On certain maps walls are still blocking view and loot while hiding opponents.

-Sentinel. Recently encountered a Sentinel walking backwards and healing as fast as I and a turret could do damage.

-Relics. Time out to retrieve relics should be increased. Harder missions take more time to kill opponent.

-Lag. The lag gets really bad causing game to freeze and skip. Sometimes a cloud effect happens obscuring view.

-Invisibility. Yes, all opponents and myself disappeared from view except their weapons. Viewable by radar/map only. See pic below.

-No map. I don't know if intentional but there was no map on relic mission. Nearly impossible to finish.

-Loot. Loot crates still getting buried in Nurgle crap. Irretrievable.

-Pic. This is my partially invisible Psyker standing against a wall for scale. All opponents only showing weapons.

Devs, please help fix these bugs because some are game breakers and we hate, hate, hate to quit a mission.

See where my Psyker is standing, look at the map. There is a huge square in the map you cannot get through or around. Physically you can see through it but cannot get through it. It's real fun when a mob is chasing you.

I was trying to show the devs where the wall blocks you and there are always a ton of enemies waiting by the loot boxes you can't get to so I dropped a turret and fell into space. These are game breakers and need addressing.

Nothing to see here. Just floating through the warp.

Could not finish mission. Game would not recognize the last opponent. See red dot on map identifying opponent? Now look at game and see circle with line through it showing that opponent cannot be targeted. Even grenades would not kill it. Had to quit game. This is a game breaker!!

And yet again, an Assassin floating through the warp. This one was quite amazing since I kept going and going.

So last night the game bugs out again. The opponents either turned invisible with only their weapons showing or turned into what you see on the left and right side of this picture. This was on the 3/3 boss fight. This is an extreme game breaker devs! I wish you or someone would reply to my thread. This occurred after a couple hours of game play so maybe, just maybe its a hardware issue? In any event the game is soo buggy it's becoming unplayable.


What is this error message? It just occurred because you changed the game. Speaking of changes, why is the game so damn hard now? I've never died so fast. I am feeling like you are moving in the wrong direction or maybe it's time for me to take a break and come back later.

This post was edited 7 years 22 days ago by Edinazzu
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List of Bugs
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7 years 24 days ago
Thank you for the report! These bugs are on our list, so hopefully they will be fixed with the next patch. 
7 years 24 days ago
Devs, I wish you had some answers to these problems. Thanks.