bugs found so-far


are at times unable to switch weapons, fell under the floor in the second lvl of the tutorial, and firing plasma pistols cause graphic glitches.

flashlight seems to illuminate from under the shoulder pauldron, would prefer if the flashlight was attached to an skull-servitor hovering by your side or behind you, cheers

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bugs found so-far
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7 years 23 days ago

Thanks for the feedback, getting to work.

7 years 24 days ago
As I posted in the 0.7.3  patch thread, the new Sniper/Aimed shot aiming wheel is bugged compared to 0.7.2 and totally horrible.

The aiming points keep switching around the wheel every shot, and in 0.7.2 and before you selected the point with your mouse, now the selector seems to be rotating automatically around & around while your aiming, and the only way to for e.g. aim for the head is to release the shot while the selector is on the head icon even if your aim is not maxed out yet.

While I complain about the bugged aiming wheel, I will also request the sniper shot be fixed in general so that the aiming wheel actually pops up when the key is pressed and held down everytime, instead of the current 60% ignore and treat as single keypress shot function the game gives it.