Lets look at Psyker as a Support class (vid)


Righto - Been playing about and honestly think that this class is completely viable as a support class, buffing allies and making them more powerful. See what you think, let me know what you have tried!

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Lets look at Psyker as a Support class (vid)
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7 years 18 days ago
I've been using your typical solo fire mage build so far. I maxed out the psypower tree and put a couple points in armor breaking and piercing from the debuff tree. He solos pretty well, but those dang tanks give him fits. I do buff fire shield if I'm running with my brother but co-op is still a little janky at the moment. I'd be willing to try a bard buff build just to see what he could do with the mid range crusader. Looks interesting at least, but never been a full healer fan in MMOs personally. 
7 years 18 days ago
Roshimbo ( or Warp/Constrict)  is pretty much the build I have been running for about a week.

If you run with a Crusader with Heavy Flamer you can Gib with Constrict at will.  Does inferno pistol have high Suppression?  hrm...if so then there may be a hybrid..

Bio Lightning with Vulnerability Mastery and +50% suppression damage Mastery. 

Signums with Supression damage.

Precognitive dodge with All Damage Mastery.

7 years 16 days ago
With the spells ingame buffing is pointless. You'll never be able to buff someone or yourself enough to be more usefull then a full dmg specced player.
7 years 16 days ago
Posted by Irrelewahnt 7 years 16 days ago
With the spells ingame buffing is pointless. You'll never be able to buff someone or yourself enough to be more usefull then a full dmg specced player.
You don't have to increase someones damage to > than your own for it to be worth. You need to buff someone to the point that something you couldn't do - you now can do. 

For Eg if you can make a crusader capable of front lining enemies that would normally kill him. Or if you can stop the assassin dieing in 1 hit at +400 difficulty. Then your job is done.  Admittedly this only really applies to higher difficulties but it goes without saying that at lower levels having 4 dps classes is usually most efficient.