Knockback on Character resets debuffs on enemys


Not sure if intended or not, but if you get a knockback while beeing overwhelmed (no supression left) enemys are loosing all their debuffs instantly.

Makes it really difficult to fight a tough boss, besides beeing constantly CCed by stuns/knockbacks (was beeing CCed around more than 10sec at one point)

Again, this is when the player character has no supression left not the enemy.  It also seems to fundle with some of your buffs (psyker) and they are not working properly till newly reapplied.

E: It seems if you get any CC, regardless of the effect, all debuffs on every enemy are instantly lost. Stunned/knockback, shock ect, it doesnt matter. 

Please take a look into it.

This post was edited 6 years 203 days ago by Camato
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Knockback on Character resets debuffs on enemys
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