Just Lost Progress...is this normal?


So I just grabbed the game on Xbox one.  I've loved 40K since I was 13 and got my first rogue trader book.  Super excited.  After the email verification fiasco I finally start playing.  I just finished mission two - got some neat new weapons and level 2.  My brother is at work but downloading the game so he asks me about the classes.  I select Main Menu from the ship screen in between missions - again, mission 2 checked off mission 3 not started.  I get a message saying I've been disconnected from the Neocore servers - that's wierd but oh well.  I take a picture of the class he's asking about and send it to him.  Select my character to play again and I'm back at the ship screen but what's this....I'm level 1?  I go to inventory....empty and the purity seal I looted during mission 2 and equipped is gone.  Well heck!  Now of course this isn't the end of the world....it's early in the game etc etc.  It's not as though I've lost considerable time here, but is this normal?  I was ready to shell out the $39.99 for the upgrade pack at this point but if the first few hours of trying to play this game are any indication I'm strongly reconsidering....

PS - I looked online before posting and read a couple posts where people suggested restarting the game and in most cases items were back - tried it, didn't work...

This post was edited 4 years 248 days ago by wikkedj
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Just Lost Progress...is this normal?
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4 years 245 days ago
Matt Dberg
We are on this issue already and until we fix it if you run into it again please just proceed further in the story campaign. Based on player feedback you will no longer lose your level and items after the 2nd tutorial mission.
4 years 245 days ago
Posted by Matt Dberg 4 years 245 days ago

To Marco and Admin; I’ve had this some bug/issue Happened to me twice last; The first time I thought it was just my mistake when after the second mission is complete it goes to the Cut screen and shows me what i earned and then gives you the option to quit. I lost my experience and my loot both times. Now I’m about to complete the second mission for the third time after remaking my character twice; as we speak and I took pictures of all the gear I loaded just in case it does it again.

Well so far so good; I didn’t run into the same issue for a 3rd time and I kept all my gear and exp and progress.
4 years 245 days ago

To Marco and Admin; I’ve had this some bug/issue Happened to me twice last; The first time I thought it was just my mistake when after the second mission is complete it goes to the Cut screen and shows me what i earned and then gives you the option to quit. I lost my experience and my loot both times. Now I’m about to complete the second mission for the third time after remaking my character twice; as we speak and I took pictures of all the gear I loaded just in case it does it again.

This comment was edited 4 years 245 days ago by Matt Dberg
4 years 247 days ago
Hi :)

Not a game feature no. It is unfortunately a bug. The game has some bugs, like all games do.

The devs team is relatively small, but every bugs get fixed also relatively quickly :)

Marco always find a way to help :)

Hope you'll soon be able to enjoy this awesome game!

4 years 247 days ago
Thank you for your answer!

Do you know if the fix will only prevent this bug to occur or if it will also allow us to get the lost items back ?

And do you know if it will be fixed during the coming days ?

I'm asking this because i haven't played the game since and i can wait for a few more days but if you think it won't be fixed, let's say, before 1 or 2 weeks, then i may continue the campaign.

What do you think ?


4 years 247 days ago

Thank you for the details. In the meantime we also got similar reports from others. We will get this fixed as soon as possible. Please let me know if this bug prevents you from progressing in the campaign.

This comment was edited 4 years 247 days ago by Marcopolocs
4 years 248 days ago

Yes it's the same character, i think it had a level 2 also but im not completely sure. On my side, i still have some XP points and i didnt lose any progress. It's like the status (level, xp, items) was kept after mission 1 even if mission 2 is marked as completed.

Hope this helps 

This comment was edited 4 years 248 days ago by Freefco
4 years 248 days ago
In case you run into any similar issue please do not delete your characters, we likely to handle the problems on our end. As we checked @FREEFCO‍ you have a level1 character. Is this the same character you progressed with and its level got lowered to 1?

@WIKKEDJ‍ you meant that you lost your XP points? All of them? After a disconnection your character was back on level1?
Did any changes take place after you restarted the game? Additionally, did you lose your progress in the campaign? Or just the items and level?

4 years 248 days ago
Hi, i think i had the same issue (see my thread "lost loot after mission 2" a little below)

I was wondering if i should restart the game but you gave me the answer here...

Now i'm wondering if i should continue and fear to lose all again ?

4 years 248 days ago
I just deleted the character and restarted and literally the exact same thing happened.  Is this a game feature?  Do you not keep the items you find in a mission?  If you get a level up notice during a mission do you have to do it then and there or lose it?