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- Item dissapearance
Hi Guys,
Ive read about this bug that i am experiencing aswell, that whenver i equip certain items in my inventory before starting a mision they dissapear as soon as i start the mission and i end up half equipped and without further gear. any help? -.-
thanks in advance
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I created a new character in order to reproduce if it might be an broken-character issue --> the problem also happened on the new character.
i'm happy that this game gets patched multiple times a week. so we shouldn't have to wait long for a fix
Item disappear bug is being looked at at the moment - since 0.1.5 we have more info about lost items, and they are not erased which means we can give them back. However, our goal is to patch this globally instead of dealing with individual user's items, which should solve all such problems in the future. Stay tuned!
Set this current order state as My default.