Invincible Skull Servitors


On a Purge mission, a bunch of Skull Servitors are invincible.  They have the seasonal mark.  Can't be targeted or killed with AOE.  Had to abort.

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Invincible Skull Servitors
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4 years 235 days ago
Thank you for the valuable screenshot! We fixed the map, it will be working fine after the release of the next patch.
4 years 236 days ago

I ran into this map again last night while doing multiplayer, same issue.

Screenshot.  Tried to put in post directly, but the image uploader only wants web links.

4 years 238 days ago
We will try to find the bug thank you for the screenshot. If you may run into this issue again please type into chat /mapinfo which will reveal the name of the map. That would ease our searches. Thank you in advance!