Inquisitor - Martyr's

Release and Post-Release Content



The release date for Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr is approaching, so as we promised, here’s what we will include in the final release build, with a look at what would come after release. You raised a lot of questions, so we’ll try to answer everything we can.

So. What will be included in the game Day 1 on all platforms? 


  • Pretty much everything what's already in the Steam Early Access build. 
    • It would be a bit redundant to list all things here, but if you're not participating in the pre-release phase, you can read all the update logs up until now to see the classes, enemy factions, features, gameplay modes already in the game. 
    • Also make sure to watch our videos, trailers and past live streams on our YouTube channel.
  • The full story campaign, spanning five chapters, with
    • unique maps,
    • unique NPCs,
    • in-game and CGI cutscenes, 
    • and an interesting narrative dealing with heavily lore-related questions.
  • Morality system
    • This will be tied to assignments and story events (in the campaign), where you will be prompted to make a choice that will push you towards "Puritan" or "Radical"
    • Based on the two extremes, you will unlock
      • separate skill tree branches,
      • unique artefacts,
      • and a perk for each.
  • New enemy faction: Alpha Legion
  • New terrain settings (placeholder names, but you get the idea): 
    • "Ruined city", 
    • "Upper hive", 
    • "Giant rails", 
    • "Industrial".
  • Maps for randomly generated missions will be revamped. 
    • The previously used set of mosaic weren't varied enough, according to feedback they still felt too familiar. 
    • We removed all the props from the mosaics and built 2-300 more props and decals for more variation.
    • All mosaics will receive 3-6 major pattern variants (based on theme and atmosphere), and we’ll assemble maps from these. 
    • There will be more scripted random events on the maps, there will be new ones, but we’ll use the already established ones more frequently as well.
  • Lots of unique artefact enchantments for Relics
  • Inoculator will be re-balanced, components will be expanded. (It’s rather heavy on healing now, so we’ll strengthen boost effects so players won't use the Inoculator for healing only, other type of skill crafting will be encouraged.)
  • Class builds
    • Supported with unique items, passive skills and perks. 
    • This will take a lot of unlocking, most of these are endgame builds, mostly for hardcore players. 
    • In general, you’ll be able to assemble surprisingly unique builds. 
    • The system is built upon three pillars (passive skills, perks, unique item enchants), so it’s not only dominated by one trait, there’s a nice space for experimentation.
    • We'll show you some interesting builds soon.
  • Pskyer will receive another spell tree (Telekinesis) .
  • All classes will receive a bunch of new perks.
  • Some of the passive skills will be changed.
  • We’ll rework the progress system yet again.
  • We’ll rework the loot system heavily, so it would feel more rewarding.
  • We’ll rework the boss system.
    • There will be humanoid, but really tough enemies, the "Villain" unit type (this will be featured in our Unit types blog series this month). 
    • Some elites will become bosses in scripted bossfight maps, and another boss type will be introduced, the "Nemesis". There will be two in the game, one at the end of the campaign, and one in the endgame layer, at the end of Tier I.
  • Customizable character appearance. 
    • You will be able to adjust the colour of equipment materials.
    • You will be able to add and modify the amount of grime, scratches, etc.
  • GUI improvements 
    • Graphics and arrangement will be improved.
    • The main menu will be improved.
    • More functions will be added.
  • Better, more balanced and polished combat gameplay.
  • Better, improved graphics.
  • Tier I (first subsector) investigations, involving Word Bearers, Alpha Legion, Black Legion.


  • 4-6 weeks after release: the first global event. 
    • This is where the Tier I’s investigations will end up. 
    • The Warzone will open up. This is the endgame zone of the first Tier (not recommended under Rank 40). As the name implies, it’s an endless battleground where you can progress in increasingly difficult special missions, and you’ll meet the second Nemesis of the game here. This provides competition among hardcore players, you’ll be able to improve unique items in a way that your build will be more than capable of handling the opening of Tier II.
  • 2-3 months after release: Opening up Tier II. 
    • This is a new subsector with 
      • 6 new solar systems, 
      • new unique Points of Interests, 
      • three investigations focusing on the Dark Eldar. 
    • This update will introduce Dark Eldar and Night Lords enemy factions.
  • This will be followed by two more Seasons 
    • both revolving around their own storylines, 
    • new subsectors, 
    • 2-4 new investigations each, 
    • new unit types (Khorne).
  • In the further future (in a year or so) we’re planning to release a paid expansion, followed by another cycle of free Seasons with new stories and themes, but at this point this is all the information we can share.


  • Retinue system. 
    • Unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to include it for now, this fell outside of development time and focus. We made several plans, but none of them worked well with the game. We didn’t give up, of course, but this is definitely something that we can’t finish until release.
  • Inquisitorial Fortresses. 
    • We couldn’t make them work well so far. Our first concept didn’t work out well, so it was discarded, it was rather something extra instead of something that tied into the core gameplay well. What we can promise is that we’ll try to come up with something sensible, but it may not become a feature at all. Please adjust your expectations accordingly.
  • New PvP modes. 
    • This is still a thing, but because it’s not the main feature of the game, and because we had to concentrate on finally finishing the game, this fell out of our focus for now. We’ll make them work during the Seasons.

We hope that this post gave you a better idea what to expect on Day 1, but if you do have more questions, please let us know. There might be a slight delay with our answers, so please be patient, we'll try to gather all relevant information before the date. Development is going ahead at full speed, but your feedback and questions are still very useful.

This post was edited 6 years 322 days ago by Tender
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Inquisitor - Martyr's Release and Post-Release Content
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6 years 229 days ago
just wondering if you could add Inquisitor Karamazov at some point in the future,that would be epic.
6 years 233 days ago
ye i never deleted it,and it has had updates but when i go to play it ,it says i have to buy it again.gutted i got refunded lol. so just gotta wait for it to turn up in the xbox store on 23rd then. Thx for the reply .

6 years 233 days ago
All of the information so far says that the pre-order will not be arriving digitally on the Xbox. However, I did pre-order it before the game was taken down and delayed. My pre-order was never refunded and I didn't try to cancel the game, so I left the pre-order download on my system. For some reason, I'm able to play it right now and just loaded it back up to make sure. I have more info in a separate thread.
6 years 233 days ago
Hi i was just wondering when Inquisitor Martyr is up for pre order on the xbox1,I did pre order last time but it was put back and i was given my money back which i didnt want,I would of been grand waiting on the release. any help would be most apreiciated.
6 years 281 days ago
Posted by Kane Seere 6 years 314 days ago

You have no clue about aRPG's. Saying D2 is a worse version of TQ? D2 is the best aRPG ever made and PoE has a perfectly functioning trading system. This is why you can buy uniques ppl are selling... And D3? Worst aRPG ever made. Sure it looks nice, but it is boring AF. Also you couldn't have played much GD if you didn't go to some sort of wiki or build site.

I TOTALLY FUCKING AGREE. D3 best arpg??? this dude is a ---------. D2 was revolutionary with it's combat system and unique skill builds that allowed players to create builds unheard of by most. D3 is a shit game for casuals with a skill tree that is limited af. Your abilities were all plot out in a straight line and stat allocation is automatic. Diablo 3 went from Diablo 2's gritty, dark, and mature look  to the pussy ass colorful tone to appeal to fuckin casuals. That's the reason why games like grim dawn and PoE were made, cause DIABLO 3 WAS BIG FUCKING DISAPPOINTMENT. 

This comment was moderated 6 years 280 days ago by Morzan
6 years 281 days ago
Kane Seere

D3 best arpg??? this dude is a -------. D2 was revolutionary with it's combat system and unique skill builds that allowed players to create builds unheard of by most. D3 is a shit game for casuals with a skill tree that is limited af. Your abilities were all plot out in a straight line and stat allocation is automatic. Diablk 3 went from Diablo 2's gritty, dark, and mature look to the pussy ass colorful tone to appeal to fuckin casuals

This comment was moderated 6 years 280 days ago by Morzan
6 years 281 days ago

Would be nice if you can get "corrupted" and BECOME the heretic ...

But adding retinues would be lore-friendly and cool af
So that could counterbalance lack of HERESY

And Necrons are required. And many Tzeentch daemons. That would be so cool

This comment was edited 6 years 281 days ago by HELLSPAWnZ
6 years 296 days ago
Just wanted to drop a line and say how stoked I am for this launch! Been following closely since the announcement but haven't had proper time to sit and just play games for awhile. Now I do and am excited to start purging Xenos and Heretics alike. 

6 years 296 days ago
According to the AMA yesterday devs are aiming for 7PM CEST/10AM PST

So in about 8 Hours

6 years 296 days ago
Looking bloody awesome, can't wait. Release later today?
6 years 297 days ago
Looks good.  Can't wait until final release.
6 years 297 days ago

"In the further future (in a year or so) we’re planning to release a paid expansion, followed by another cycle of free Seasons with new stories and themes, but at this point this is all the information we can share."

To play with Tier III items we must wait more than one year? Is it not to long? Your campaign with all side quests is complete after two or tree days, what do we after it? Waiting one year for new items and star systems, for which we must pay again? And interim time we grinding all the time or what?

This comment was edited 6 years 297 days ago by Feuerkelch
6 years 309 days ago
Meh, no nightlords at lauch. As you guys in the timeline for ages. 

BUT, since you are developing Dark Eldar en Khorne units i will love you forever and a tad more.

Happy to see how this will shape up and i REALLY hope this will be a huge succes.

And Eldar and tau.

6 years 309 days ago

I am so incredibly excited for this game. I cannot overstate it, I have not been this hyped for a game release since Halo 2. Kudos for the development team on their hard work, that is mostly meeting negativity as far as I can see. Show some appreciation. Ungrateful xeno scum.

But here is what I came to say, after reading the comments: Why do you insist on comparing this game to other games? Remember back in the day, when games(and people) were judged based on their own merits? Why do you care so much how much like a different game it is? It is not Diablo. It is not Titan Quest. It is Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr.

Enjoy it or do not. But either way, remember that just because you do not enjoy a game does not make it a bad game. Just because it is similar or dis-similar to a game does not make it a bad game. Just because it lacks a feature you wanted, or includes one you did not want, does not make it a bad game. For every person that does not enjoy a game, any game, there is at least one person that does. 

Do not be so quick to cast judgement on something, and do not be so sharp with your judgements. 

Even Inquisitors are hesitant to call for Exterminatus.

The Emperor Protects.

6 years 312 days ago
When does the download start? How many hours or what timezone at what time? Thanks!
6 years 313 days ago

I think that I found the answer to my question about the Upper hive terrain:

Thanx Megapull ;)

And seeing this I remembered the elevators in Vanhelsing, so I said myself "This is where they will certainly put the elevator system". So I think tha a "floor based" levels are not so unlikely. 

Plus I hope, it's more my personal whish to make the gae even more reallike like, that it will be possible to enter and exit some buildings in the middle of a map, for example:

* The living quarter of the biologist the you must rescue on the icy planets. I thought "Ok, so she lives on the open in the middle of a daemon infested area?"

* Or perhaps the building where you find the main target of your mission. On the open maps certainly not all of them stand and wait on the open filed.

6 years 314 days ago
Posted by DatonKallandor 6 years 351 days ago

None of the aRPGs you list have a progression curve like Martyr, and the one thing that's applicable - the idea of unique builds being made up of (endgame dropped) Uniques, a limited amount of active skills and a specific, limited set of passives - D3 does best out of all of them.

PoE is absoultely godawful because uniques are far too important for builds, there's no respecs, and basically the entire game is far too reliant on extremely rare drops (and it has no in-game trading system on top of that). Having to read someone elses build on a forum and write it down so you don't get screwed weeks later when it turns out your build isn't good enough to get anywhere is the definition of bad game design.

GD suffers from the same to a lesser degree. Respecs are more accessible, it's less reliant on wiki-ing, but it still has the godawful attribute points-as-item-requirements mechanic with no respecs. But at least it's not online-only.

D2 is just a more primitive worse version of Titan Quest, which shares all the problems GD and PoE have (except for the always-online), but moreso than GD and less than PoE.

You have no clue about aRPG's. Saying D2 is a worse version of TQ? D2 is the best aRPG ever made and PoE has a perfectly functioning trading system. This is why you can buy uniques ppl are selling... And D3? Worst aRPG ever made. Sure it looks nice, but it is boring AF. Also you couldn't have played much GD if you didn't go to some sort of wiki or build site.

6 years 315 days ago
Posted by Spambor 6 years 315 days ago

Hai everyone!

Since it's my first post here, I'd like to compliment the staff for the great job that it's been done so far. I'm not a member of the foundation but I follow the project whit great interest and I've watched tons of gameplay videos. So I will certainly buy the game. I don't know, yes it's WH40k and that means something, but it's not only this, the job done here it's is really great whit many new ideas in the world of RPG.

Ok, let's go in topic. I have some questions:

How many of the subsectors showed on the starmap will be available at the release?

Over how many subsectors will expand the campaign?

If the choices that players make influence the sector, more one type of enemies and less of others, if someone skip few months of play or to put it more simplified if one buy the game a year after the release, this person would be able to play the hole content whit all the investigations and missions or will the content change season after season?

The investigations will also have ingame and/or CGI cutscenes?

The terrians "Upper hive" and "Industrial" are the one seen in the alpha? I mean the upper hive are the roof of the hive cities and the industiral are the open terrains whit the oil pumps etc.? Or are they completely new ones?

You could place the same weapon contemporary in the primary and secondary set. For example the same sword in the first set whit the shield and then in the second whit the boltgun?

I didn't see the sniper dismemberment in the videos I've seen. It was dropped?

PC beta starts on the 21st. Just wait a few more days and most of your questions will be answered.
6 years 315 days ago

Hai everyone!

Since it's my first post here, I'd like to compliment the staff for the great job that it's been done so far. I'm not a member of the foundation but I follow the project whit great interest and I've watched tons of gameplay videos. So I will certainly buy the game. I don't know, yes it's WH40k and that means something, but it's not only this, the job done here it's is really great whit many new ideas in the world of RPG.

Ok, let's go in topic. I have some questions:

How many of the subsectors showed on the starmap will be available at the release?

Over how many subsectors will expand the campaign?

If the choices that players make influence the sector, more one type of enemies and less of others, if someone skip few months of play or to put it more simplified if one buy the game a year after the release, this person would be able to play the hole content whit all the investigations and missions or will the content change season after season?

The investigations will also have ingame and/or CGI cutscenes?

The terrians "Upper hive" and "Industrial" are the one seen in the alpha? I mean the upper hive are the roof of the hive cities and the industiral are the open terrains whit the oil pumps etc.? Or are they completely new ones?

You could place the same weapon contemporary in the primary and secondary set. For example the same sword in the first set whit the shield and then in the second whit the boltgun?

I didn't see the sniper dismemberment in the videos I've seen. It was dropped?

6 years 332 days ago

Truly i excited this message. At start pvp will be avalaible ?

6 years 348 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 6 years 352 days ago
To be fair though the balancing team on Fatshark does one thing and one thing only when something is too powerful. Utterly destroy it into the ground. Making minor adjustments just isn't in their DNA xD 

don't feel like they destroyed anything so far at v2 but i hate that people constantly cry for balance..ppl dont get the team aspect of it tbh. no one is crying about dorf being too sturdy compared to the others but beware when some class excells at certain green circles on the endscreen ;) 

6 years 350 days ago
Posted by Peredur 6 years 353 days ago

Finally the news we were expecting. Thanks a lot. :)

A few questions though :

- What do you mean by "not recommended under power level 40"? Is is Inquisitor rank? Account level? Power rating?

- Any news about the Cabal Wars that were once planned?

- Will the current PvP mode remain as it is for release? Or do you plan to remove it until you can work more on PvP? (It was said you may not keep PvP if the result was good enough, and there was no comment on PvP since. So, good enough?)

My main fear now is, with that much changes to the game, for it to feel more like a beta version than a final product at release.

I was expecting more changes as well I just hope that the game feels finished enough to give the game a future.

6 years 350 days ago
I would really like to know whether local co op is planned for the pc release?

I saw that it will be available for consoles at launch?

Considering that pc players beta tested the game for months for free surely it is only fair to offer them an equal experience to console players.

I'm also a bit disappointed that only one new chaos faction will be added I was hoping for a bit more enemy variety.

I have already purchased the game so I can't threaten not to buy but I'll be really dissspointed if the console version has more features than the PC version.

6 years 351 days ago
Posted by Peredur 6 years 352 days ago

I don't understand the comparison with Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 has no leveling. You reach end-game about 2h after starting, with a generic character that can progress only with the equipment.

While every other Hack n Slash, with a proper leveling, you customise your character AND its equipment over hours of gameplay.

You have a unique build from the first point you invest.

You can compare with D2, GD, PoE, etc. Not with D3.

None of the aRPGs you list have a progression curve like Martyr, and the one thing that's applicable - the idea of unique builds being made up of (endgame dropped) Uniques, a limited amount of active skills and a specific, limited set of passives - D3 does best out of all of them.

PoE is absoultely godawful because uniques are far too important for builds, there's no respecs, and basically the entire game is far too reliant on extremely rare drops (and it has no in-game trading system on top of that). Having to read someone elses build on a forum and write it down so you don't get screwed weeks later when it turns out your build isn't good enough to get anywhere is the definition of bad game design.

GD suffers from the same to a lesser degree. Respecs are more accessible, it's less reliant on wiki-ing, but it still has the godawful attribute points-as-item-requirements mechanic with no respecs. But at least it's not online-only.

D2 is just a more primitive worse version of Titan Quest, which shares all the problems GD and PoE have (except for the always-online), but moreso than GD and less than PoE.

This comment was edited 6 years 351 days ago by DatonKallandor
6 years 352 days ago

I don't understand the comparison with Diablo 3.

Diablo 3 has no leveling. You reach end-game about 2h after starting, with a generic character that can progress only with the equipment.

While every other Hack n Slash, with a proper leveling, you customise your character AND its equipment over hours of gameplay.

You have a unique build from the first point you invest.

You can compare with D2, GD, PoE, etc. Not with D3.

6 years 352 days ago

Unique Builds being endgame only is extremely worrying if the progression pace is even close to what it is right now. Diablo 3 can get away with this because the time to reach "endgame" where the fancy build options are is about a day. The pace of Martyr isn't anywhere near to that (so it would be a massive change if the release version was) and the Power Rating system makes it even worse.

Retinue and Fortress being dropped is whatever - they never sounded particularily interesting anyway. Retinue just sounded like the generic MMO "send NPCs on timers to get stuff" and having our own giant spaceship full of NPCs with vital fuctions already does everything a fortress would do.

I'd also love to hear confirmation on the coopability of the story missions. Are they confirmed solo only?

This comment was edited 6 years 352 days ago by DatonKallandor
6 years 352 days ago
To be fair though the balancing team on Fatshark does one thing and one thing only when something is too powerful. Utterly destroy it into the ground. Making minor adjustments just isn't in their DNA xD 
6 years 352 days ago
Posted by Airsick Hydra 6 years 353 days ago

Call me paranoid but i'm 99% sure that was supposed to say "Relic items" it makes far more sense within the sentence. Relic items need more enchants desperately. Will nag for clarification tomorrow.

This is based from the previous stream when we were told Relic items would be the top Tier.

One of these sentences is wrong :D

Yep, sometimes we speeksie different lingos. Fixed all.
6 years 352 days ago
There will be a lot of salty players. Look at Vermintide 2 :D. They made bugfixes for some classes and balance passes and a lot of people gone crazy.  The biggest Problem with Steam reviews is simply that negative people are pretty vocal because they mostly want to vent and happy people are quiet and play. Write positive feedback if you are happy and the negative reviwes won't matter that much.

@ Neocore: If godlike=relic then write relic ffs :D. 

6 years 353 days ago

All i know is that by the time this game will release we are going to have plenty of things to do till the 1st tier unlocks and the rest of the content will come. 


I really hope that the community won't support any nonsense idea that the game is incomplete and ruin the game's first days impressions because this is important for a game's survival. I hope  they will show some understanding and give the team time to create and add more as long as we play.
It's one of the best warhammer 40k game currently , it's a new RPG RTS already beautiful game, it's at it's start and all we need is more and more content but that comes with time and our support.
So i repeat: The team is listening to us and is hardworking. So support them, support the game, write nice impressions worthy of the game and we the community will add to this game's success and our gaming time.

Do this and you praise the emperor
Do this not, that is a heresy and we all know where heresy does lead to.. 


6 years 353 days ago
Posted by Peredur 6 years 353 days ago

"What exactly is Beta tho?"

Beta is when a game contains all functionnalities planned for release but still needs bugs removal and balancing.

Ah thought you meant in regards to quantity of features.

I personally expect nothing less than a degree of teething when a game launches, from tripple A to indy studios and all inbetween. I've yet to play a game at launch that didn't have problems so to me it's just a case of how many and how big they are. Fingers crossed for this one.

6 years 353 days ago
Airsick Hydra

"What exactly is Beta tho?"

Beta is when a game contains all functionnalities planned for release but still needs bugs removal and balancing.

6 years 353 days ago

Just had this PM from a staff member.

@[Ordo Hydra] AirsickHydra  We call a relic as "godlike" internally, and that causes some problems when communicating. Basically god-like item = relic.

6 years 353 days ago
Posted by Irrelewahnt 6 years 353 days ago
Still no word how respeccing will work and what it'll cost... me so sad :D. 

So it seems there are godlike items, nice to read and look forward to. You work on the progress system and the loot system again? What's wrong and why? Can we see the morality trees and perks at the beginning so people who want to go an "effective" root don't end up at the wrong end of the spectrum? So the telekinesis skilltree is back, will we get a sneak peak in one of the future streams?

All in all everything sounds promising, some things are as vague as possible (don't like that -.-) and some questionmarks still remain. A short rundown why you change stuff and how you gone change it would be nice for those points that state "We'll change xyz".

Thumbs up after all.

Call me paranoid but i'm 99% sure that was supposed to say "Relic items" it makes far more sense within the sentence. Relic items need more enchants desperately. Will nag for clarification tomorrow.

This is based from the previous stream when we were told Relic items would be the top Tier.

One of these sentences is wrong :D

This comment was edited 6 years 353 days ago by Airsick Hydra
6 years 353 days ago
Still no word how respeccing will work and what it'll cost... me so sad :D. 

So it seems there are godlike items, nice to read and look forward to. You work on the progress system and the loot system again? What's wrong and why? Can we see the morality trees and perks at the beginning so people who want to go an "effective" root don't end up at the wrong end of the spectrum? So the telekinesis skilltree is back, will we get a sneak peak in one of the future streams?

All in all everything sounds promising, some things are as vague as possible (don't like that -.-) and some questionmarks still remain. A short rundown why you change stuff and how you gone change it would be nice for those points that state "We'll change xyz".

Thumbs up after all.

6 years 353 days ago
Posted by Peredur 6 years 353 days ago

Finally the news we were expecting. Thanks a lot. :)

A few questions though :

- What do you mean by "not recommended under power level 40"? Is is Inquisitor rank? Account level? Power rating?

- Any news about the Cabal Wars that were once planned?

- Will the current PvP mode remain as it is for release? Or do you plan to remove it until you can work more on PvP? (It was said you may not keep PvP if the result was good enough, and there was no comment on PvP since. So, good enough?)

My main fear now is, with that much changes to the game, for it to feel more like a beta version than a final product at release.

= Rank 40

Also curious on Cabal wars. Guessing they slipped out of plans.

As for PvP not being good enough, I kinda agree - but it's because of lack of attention and incentive rather than a failure of the feature. I'd say it's still not been given a fair chance.

What exactly is Beta tho? - There's only really retinue and citadel missing which aren't core game features. But on the flip side there's stuff we weren't expecting. being added. To me the question of labelling a product as unfinished is simply down to players and if they feel they are getting value for money. Time will tell.

Big question for today though, warzone / battleground. What exactly is it, how does it work and when can we get a preview event of it :D

6 years 353 days ago

Finally the news we were expecting. Thanks a lot. :)

A few questions though :

- What do you mean by "not recommended under power level 40"? Is is Inquisitor rank? Account level? Power rating?

- Any news about the Cabal Wars that were once planned?

- Will the current PvP mode remain as it is for release? Or do you plan to remove it until you can work more on PvP? (It was said you may not keep PvP if the result was good enough, and there was no comment on PvP since. So, good enough?)

My main fear now is, with that much changes to the game, for it to feel more like a beta version than a final product at release.