Inquisitor - Martyr: Release Patch Notes for v1.0 - June 5


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them). Please also note that during maintenance, from 5PM CEST to 7PM CEST, players will be unable to login. We may extend maintenance if we see fit, so please be patient until servers go live again.

Thank you!

This release wouldn't have been possible without the players, so we’d like to thank you for your support during the Founding and Early Access. During these long months, you showed the best traits of Inquisitors, you were observant, critical, and you reported anything that wasn’t quite worthy in the eyes of the Emperor. In times of glory, in times of struggle, you were there with us, providing overwhelming support and understanding. For this, we'll be eternally grateful.

Your feedback was extremely valuable, and the game got better because of it. Of course, we'll be counting on you in the future as well, since Inquisitor - Martyr is continually evolving.

We hope we have managed to meet or exceed your expectations, but if not, please know that we will continue to improve the game based on your feedback. Look forward to more content and improvements in free future updates, global events and Seasons!

Thank you again, and please spread the word that Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr is now complete!

New Features

  • 4243 people have received their Skull Masks. Good job!
    • Players can manage their Extras at a new panel on the Command Bridge
  • Relic items have all received new models
  • Redesigned every single armor set's model, added new armor models as well
  • Added Base Material system for Armors, meaning that equipping a new armor will change the character's base clothing
  • The final 2 chapters of the campaign are now available.
  • The Alpha Legion and Black Legion investigation series are also available, completing the Chaos Undivided quest chain.
    • Added new enemies: Alpha Legion Helbrute, Marine, Sniper, and Commander.
  • Equipment Appearance customization is now available at Omikron Arkh.
    • Players can choose from dozens of color schemes along with managing item skins, adjusting griminess and a bunch of additional cool features.
  • Added Localizations for the following languages: French, German, Russian, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish, Hungarian, Simpl. Chinese, Korean, Polish
    • The following languages will be added later: Japanese
  • Added Progression Window in the Character panel where they can see their past and their upcoming challenges.
  • Steam Achievements unlocked
  • Trading Cards unlocked

Fixed Bugs

  • Fixed a crash during the final Tutorial Mission
  • Fixed Animation FPS / Effect FPS drops on higher end computers
  • Fixed GameLogic FPS drops
  • Major performance optimization
  • Fixed a vibrating/flickering issue related to Alt+Tab
  • Fixed a blackscreen issue
  • Multiple controller bugfixes
  • Fixed the tab button losing functionality after a while
  • Fixed decals appearing partially
  • In the menus, the Character model now appears properly, in HD
  • Fixed a minor flicker at the beginning of cutscenes
  • Fixed flickering/disappearing monster highlights
  • Fixed a bug where players could use the cogitator before turning the generator off in the 3rd mission of Chapter 3
  • Fixed an issue with the chat scroll bar
  • Chat now scrolls to bottom automatically
  • Chat hide button fixed
  • Fixed a missing string in chat options
  • Fixed Righteous Fortitude strings
  • Fixed close spawn points for several maps
  • Social panel now says Rank instead of Level
  • Fixed an issue where using teleports insta-won the Panic Room missions
  • Fixed an issue where crafting did not cost money
  • Fixed more minimap issues
  • Fixed invisible Warp Beacons
  • Fixed a bug where plants on the Rocky setting grew back after being destroyed. Also fixed them disappearing sometimes.
  • Fixed NPC hitboxes
  • Optimized textures for gear
  • PVP Bless Skill now shows the passive buff icon
  • Hasten now works properly
  • Fixed corpse bodyparts floating in the air


  • Fixed Assassin Stealth not costing resources
  • Fixed movement bonuses not applying to players in co-op
  • Fixed jump and charge skills in co-op


  • Buffed VIP health and made them less suicidal
  • Stun Grenade: Damage increased from 150 to 250
  • Flash Grenade has been removed
  • Haywire has been removed
  • Personal Void shield absorb is halved from 4000 to 2000
  • Deflector Field: Deflection increased from 1000 to 1500 HP, duration doubled from 60 to 120 sec
  • Fabricator Scatter Field: Damage increased from 350 to 400
  • Decreased base crafting times:
    • From 60 minutes to 20 minutes
    • From 240 minutes to 60 minutes
  • Servers, and some statues are now destructible as well

PS: I can't thank enough for the amazing community of Martyr. It is an honor to work for you guys. I will continue to do my absolute best and help you out / listen any way I can. - Megapull

This post was edited 6 years 268 days ago by Megapull
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Inquisitor - Martyr: Release Patch Notes for v1.0 - June 5
Your Thoughts? Please login to place your opinion. Not a member yet? Register here and now!
6 years 269 days ago
Yesterday my Void Shield was still at 4000HP...
6 years 270 days ago

Features: Trading Cards Unlocked

The Interrogator said: No, they aren't.

I think he's right.


Is there an IP-Problem with Russian Players (again)?

If the Answer is "Yes", someone should make an Announcement for that, because they (the Russians) become angry .... quiet a little bit.

6 years 270 days ago
Posted by Ixxolos 6 years 271 days ago
Okay the Pets... when are they coming? i need my Servo Skull the release experience feels lacking without it :(

Pets are probably gonna be stupid and not do anything and just be flash. But I still have to second the fact that I was really looking forward to servo-skulls...
6 years 271 days ago
Hey guys, hell of a game!!! Love it! But a question, what happened to the SLI support??? I would appreciate an answer :) 

For the Emperor!

6 years 271 days ago
Just kidding guys
6 years 271 days ago

Amazing game, great job guys.. but now that the servers have died I can't help but notice this line in the patch notes:

  • Servers, and some statues are now destructible as well

So. whats up?

6 years 271 days ago
Thank you for your dedication and your time making this game ! It is already glorious and the futur seems (grim dark) bright !

6 years 271 days ago
Okay the Pets... when are they coming? i need my Servo Skull the release experience feels lacking without it :(

6 years 271 days ago
Ave Imperator!!! The wait is over!

Grats to the entire team, let's hunt some heretics and mutants!

6 years 271 days ago
Congratulation and thank you for this great game! :-) 
6 years 271 days ago


The wait is over :)

Thank you very much neocore to make a littel dream come true and thanks to the comunity and founders too :)

lets have some fun!


This comment was edited 6 years 271 days ago by Van Bolt Thrower
6 years 271 days ago
Thank you so much! Great game, great work and a great trailer!
6 years 271 days ago

Congratulations on the launch!

6 years 271 days ago
Huge Kudos to the Team please pass on my eternal gratitude for all the continued hard work and dedication you all have shown.

Looking forward to getting my Purge on, this time Officially =][=