Inquisitor - Martyr

Pre-Order on PS4 and Xbox One available!



You can now pre-order Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One. These will be available in retail editions, so check your favorite stores as well. Nonetheless, click here:

Before examining the different editions, just a quick disclaimer: we'd like to confirm that beside English, Inquisitor – Martyr will support the following languages for subtitles and UI at launch: German, French, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Korean, Italian, Polish, Hungarian. 

The game also supports enhanced modes on the PlayStation 4 Pro and the Xbox One X!

And now for the goodies!


  • Retail box
  • Pre-order bonus mission: The Charybdis Outpost


  • Surround yourself with the dust of your enemies' crushed skulls (emote)
  • A skull trail animation for the Inquisitor
  • Decorate your hub with two statues
  • The soundtrack of the game (PS4 only)


  • A beautiful steelbook edition, ornamented with skulls
  • All the content from the Deluxe Edition
  • Season Pass (including several future DLCs adding new maps, pets, enemies)

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr is coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One on May 11, 2018. Stay tuned for more information!

This post was edited 6 years 279 days ago by Tender
Store Page
Inquisitor - Martyr Pre-Order on PS4 and Xbox One available!
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6 years 235 days ago

I think with what Big Ben & Neocore are saying (or aren’t saying, to be more accurate) we can reasonably expect another delay; as to its length, I doubt it’ll be 6 months.

With the previous delays and the fact that the PC version has already been released, if this is the case; you’d think someone at either company would attempt to get in front of it and be proactive, rather than letting the rumors circulate and frustrating their console player base. Also the longer any potential delay is, the more distance there will be between the content the console players and the PC have access to. 

Big Ben have previously said in an email to me that the official release date will be announced this coming week, I really hope this doesn’t mean them waiting to the 11th hour next Sunday to announce another delay.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m still hoping the game does release on the July date; as I really want to play the game, But it has to be said the communication to the players has been terrible. 

If there is no delay great, tell us and stop the rumors and confusion. If there is a delay, fess up explain the situation and get in front of it.

6 years 234 days ago
Big Ben are absolutely useless and don't even reply!

I still haven't had a refund for my pre order and have had no reply to 3 emails so far asking what the hell is going on!

At this stage all I want is my money back and I have no intention of purchasing this game on console now as I already own it on PC.  I was willing to purchase it on both platforms to support development of this game but the way the console port has been handled has been nothing short of a disgrace!

6 years 237 days ago
Yeh i have just looked at Game and the release date has been pushed back to December. 

I know BigBen are the console guys, but come on Neocore you must know what is occuring, you guys are actually doing the day to day work on the game

If it's delayed it's delayed (let's face it we are used to it by now) but please dont shirk responsibility by saying "It's them not us" it makes you look stupid...


6 years 310 days ago

Dear all!There will be all 3 versions available in most countries, we're just waiting to get back all the responses from the local distributors (and the links to put out to the pre-order page). The same is with the digital versions: MS and Sony will display the digital pre-order packs soon and we will put them out too. Thanks for the support and the patience!

6 years 237 days ago
I totally agree. 

I can't believe that there is this level of ambiguity with the release, especially this close to the previously specified date which had already been pushed back.
6 years 313 days ago
I can't find the Imperium Edition available for preorder anywhere in the U.S. Any suggestions? 
6 years 235 days ago
I've got a mate who works for the Games Workshop store in Bolton, so i emailed him on Thursday and asked if he could find out anything, met him last night to watch the World Cup match, he's looked at there upcoming releases internally and it says December.

I'm really not sure why no-one is saying anything officially, Big Ben are sticking to the 5th of July date like a drowning man clings to a lifebelt, GW are saying nothing at all, and as for neocore... well they say it's nothing to do with them (despite the fact they are making the damn thing in the first place...go figure)

The longer the silence drags on...the more all parties involved are going to look like fools when they actually say something

I just dont get it at all.. 

6 years 309 days ago
OK, no need to push the panic button instantly :))) The problem is the similar names (as Tender said in his earlier post), not that we changed our words or something. Especially about payed or free content matters.

So, the main thing is that we are talking about the console versions here, published by BigBen. They are creating the console products as expected, of course with close cooperation with us.

The Season pass contains all DLCs in the first year. There will be 22 micro DLCs, more info about them will be available later. And there are 3 main content upgrades, called Season 1-2-3 which are free for everyone (on all 3 platforms). The Season 1-2-3 was named for PC plaform way before any plans to create a console product, which is traditionally called Season pass.

6 years 237 days ago

If this is anything other than a mix up, it seems totally wrong that customers are having to be informed by 3rd party resellers and not the developers or publishers.

And when we are ask questions about their product, we get differing and vague answers.

6 years 312 days ago
I can't either, I can only find it available in countries where BigBen is the publisher, in the US we have MaximumGames as the publisher, and there's only the basic title in the US, will this be changing?
6 years 310 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Uh, actually, seasons are the more frequent content patches (2-3 months apart), but we'll clarify everything in a post soon™, I'm on it.

6 years 310 days ago
I’m sure this has already been asked but will North America get a physical deluxe and imperium edition?
6 years 309 days ago

I know the Season Pass and the Seasons are about two different contents. ;)

But, actually, with Airsick Hydra, we were talking about the fact that the DLCs (not the Seasons) were said to be also available for free:

"Besides these, there will also be smaller DLCs, mainly based on loot and smaller storyarcs. They will be cheap, and you will be able to buy these for Fate too, not just cash - you won't have to give us your money for these… your Fate will suffice :P"

"Our goal was to include a player-friendly monetization system which supports the overly dedicated players, and this is exactly the reason why we want to make even the DLCs available by grinding."

Hence the possibility of an issue with the Imperium version as you pay extra to get a Steelbook and the Season pass in addition to the Deluxe edition. Moreover, some people will get the digital version, without the Steelbook, and so will pay extra only for the Season pass.

How will they feel when they discover they could have got those DLCs for free? Would they have chosen the Imperium over the Deluxe edition if they had known before that the DLCs could be acquired by simply playing?

That's why we were asking for a clarification: are the DLCs still planned to be also buyable with Fate - and people should be made aware of that before they take the Imperium edition - or are those now planned to be buyable only with money?

6 years 252 days ago
Why is it the Deluxe/Imperium edition is not available for US for PS4? I would like to get the digital content for the preorder that the brick and mortar doesn't offer. Is this going to be made available to the US or is that just a bug currently with the pre-orders? 

Thanks much,


6 years 235 days ago
Amen to that Brother
6 years 306 days ago
Any news if the upgraded versions will be available in the US (for the Xbox)? Or a good digital version even? All I can find still is the basic disc version, nothing else! 
6 years 305 days ago

I would also like to know when or if the deluxe and imperium edition will be available in the United States for the Xbox? I can only find the standard edition for sale.

6 years 264 days ago
My pre order with amazon now reads 3rd of July & all three digital versions on the Microsoft store have has the date been changed again?
6 years 237 days ago

Well I've asked Big-Bell (End) the same question and i got 

Réponse / Answer :


We have carried the greatest attention to your e-mail. 

The date is currently July 5 and we will communicate as soon as possible if it changes

Staying at your service for more information, The Hot Line Team.

So either it's a mistake or they are trying to keep it secret for fear of upsetting the console community. 

You know it would not surprise me if they dont do a Focus Home Interactive and pull the plug on the game... the Dev's are clearly incompetent, just look at all the bug reports appearing daily on the forums, they have released a pile of crap on the PC... if you buy it on console....more fool you...spend your money on something that will actually work, not this garbage.   


6 years 298 days ago
Why bother about this 2 weeks or not 2 weeks thing? We all know it is now June 5th.

And after that it will be July 28th. Then on August 16th.

6 years 231 days ago

I have heard that there is an exploit which makes it possible for players to get the best possible equipment. This also renders leaderboards useless.

Also, afaik, developers already said that there is no way for them to get back items and progression from exploiters.

Some people demand server wipes while exploiters are happy with the current state.

What about upcoming console version? Will it be exploit free ? Does developers said anything about it?

6 years 244 days ago
I think you need to update your graphics. May 11? :) 
6 years 236 days ago
Posted by Arcarius 6 years 236 days ago

Right after it got delayed to July 5th, GameStop changed theirs to 12/31 so I think this is just a random date.  I’m not saying it won’t get delayed again, I just think not by that much. There’s  another part of me that wonders if the higher tier physical editions are what’s getting delayed because of availability.  
Whenever a game has a 12/31 release date it means the release date is unknown. Go look for a release date on Death Stranding, Final Fantasy 7 or The Lost Of Us 2. 
6 years 254 days ago
There is the italian language?
6 years 312 days ago

Yes there needs to be some communication as to shop access to all countries. If we can get through microsoft/ps shops and hard copy versions.

This comment was edited 6 years 312 days ago by Christs
6 years 236 days ago

Ya that’s basically what I was trying to convey.  
6 years 310 days ago

Is the pre-order bonus mission also available for PC? (for people who bought the game, as there is no pre-order, only direct buy because of the EA)

Can we get more information on the Season pass, like how long that "season" lasts - a Season, a year, something else, wouldn't it be better to have less DLCs but bigger? aren't 22 DLC a bit much? why call it a season pass when Seasons are unrelated free content? will a season pass be available on PC? etc.

This comment was edited 6 years 310 days ago by Peredur
6 years 310 days ago
Right now all I can say is one season is 1 year from release. Other info will be shared later.
6 years 236 days ago

Publisher wasn't much help.... 

"Réponse / Answer :


We have carried the greatest attention to your e-mail.

At the moment we can not give you information about US."

All I wanted to know was when can I pre-order the digital version (PS4), what versions will be available, and how much each will cost. 

6 years 310 days ago
Posted by OvermindSam 6 years 310 days ago
Right now all I can say is one season is 1 year from release. Other info will be shared later.
Thanks for the clarification, Makes sense. 

Also are you the new Community guy? :D 

6 years 310 days ago

Ahh, sorry about it, I just swapped out one important word - is vs lasts :-) So the right one:

"Right now all I can say is one season lasts 1 year from release. Other info will be shared later."

This is about consoles right now. I'm not really a community guy, but handling a lot of stuff on the sales side, from NeocoreStore to consoles :-)

6 years 310 days ago
Well, never mind all that, there seems to be a terminology confusion weirdness related to seasons and "seasons" and Seasons and s e a s o n s. 

I'll try to unpack this.

6 years 310 days ago
Posted by Tender 6 years 310 days ago

Uh, actually, seasons are the more frequent content patches (2-3 months apart), but we'll clarify everything in a post soon™, I'm on it.

But the Season Pass, does it cover 1 Season or 1 Year?

A DLC every two weeks and a DLC every three days are quite different frequencies. (Both strange frequencies.)

6 years 310 days ago

Yes, the "Season Pass" does indeed cover 1 year's worth of DLCs, my mistake.

In-game Seasons, however, will be free content updates on all platforms, and are unrelated to the Season Pass.

We got confused for a second :D

This comment was edited 6 years 310 days ago by Tender
6 years 310 days ago
Posted by Tender 6 years 310 days ago

Yes, the "Season Pass" does indeed cover 1 year's worth of DLCs, my mistake.

In-game Seasons, however, will be free content updates on all platforms, and are unrelated to the Season Pass.

We got confused for a second :D

Can you guys confirm that the season pass content aka 22 DLC's are still puchasable via in game currency? 

If so any estimates on cost :D

6 years 310 days ago
Airsick Hydra

This will be fun when people who bought the Imperium edition instead of the Deluxe edition learn that content of the Season Pass can be acquired for free.

I expect them to be really pleased by the information.

This will certainly go well...

Truely, I don't know what we will have. I expect various scenarii:

- "we should have said so more publicly before starting to sell the Imperium edition, but you're basically paying for stuff that you could get for free"

- "we said earlier you could get those DLCs for free, but we changed our mind and forgot to tell you"

- "you can get them for free, but only on PC, you have to pay for them on console"

6 years 310 days ago
Just wondering, any idea when this will be available? I would gladly like to get the imperium edition digital if possible...
6 years 239 days ago

Email from amazon saying the release date in now 2nd Jan 2019 for console release....


6 years 304 days ago
Well. Wouldn´t it be nice to actually have a Big Package twice & ++ the price of the Imperium Edition available for Console Versions then?!
6 years 304 days ago
Though I do not know details, I have been assured that we will get the upgraded versions in the US for PS4 and Xbox, it seems their publisher for the states is still working on this, so hopefully we'll have something soon! I wasn't given any dates, just assured of this.
6 years 303 days ago
I do not know when (I was not given dates) but I have been assured the Deluxe and Imperium editions will be available in the states before May 11
6 years 251 days ago
Hello I'm  New to the game I previously paid for the pre order you guys took money out of my account well I'll be getting my money back And if so when will I be getting my money back please let me know at your earliest convenience thank you
6 years 238 days ago
Will i be able to use the same account for PC and PS4?
6 years 265 days ago
Was reading about these Console Versions of the game, and was having a look at the site of Gamezone which now is not having the Xbox Version anymore. It is just gone. No mention of it at all. Playstation Version is available only.

Was having a look at Gamezone less then 2 weeks ago too. And back then the Xbox Version of Inquisitor was totally available.

Have been looking at Gamestop´s site too, and they are not getting in the Imperial Edition of the game at all- How come?

6 years 238 days ago

The Facebook account of BigBen Games answered today that consoles versions are still planned for July 5. Hope lives forever

6 years 264 days ago
Yes it has, July 3'rd now

So nice of Neocore to let us know before we have to find out about it from the retailers

Amateurs...Total complete Amateurs...  

6 years 264 days ago

We are still in talks with our publisher. If there will be any changes we will announce it of course. 

6 years 264 days ago
Posted by Morzan 6 years 264 days ago

We are still in talks with our publisher. If there will be any changes we will announce it of course. 

I think you need to talk a bit quicker...or maybe listen to them

Got an email from my retailer 

"Hi Uriel

We wanted to let you know that unfortunately there has been a change to the release date for Warhammer 40K Inquisitor Martyr.

Due to some technical issues with the day one patch, BigBen have taken the decision to push the release date back to 3rd July to avoid any disappointment. 

We apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

The GAME team"

So either they have it wrong or your publishers are not telling you the full story...

tell me....whats it like to know the general public knows more about what goes in in your company than you do...

6 years 264 days ago

There are different dates out there at the moment for e.g.: Amazon UK - July 3, Amazon DE - July 6 ...

So as I said, we are still in talks with our publisher. If there will be any changes we will announce it of course.  Thank you for your patience! 

This comment was edited 6 years 264 days ago by Morzan
6 years 237 days ago

I have contacted BigBen and have received this response this morning;

We have carried the greatest attention to your e-mail.

The official release date will be announced next week, we can not give you more information.

Staying at your service for more information,
The Hot Line Team "

This isn't the "don't worry everything fine, just a mix up" response i was hoping for and taking the reply at face value, leads me to think that the release date is still fluid?

I have checked a few UK stockists and their dates are listed below;

Simply Games: 03/07/18

Argos: 31/12/18

Game: 31/12/18

Amazon: 02/01/19

This is really disconcerting and i would really like to know what's going on.