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- Inquisitor - Martyr Patch v1.0.5 - June 28
Inquisitor - Martyr Patch v1.0.5 - June 28
Warhammer 40K Patch NotesUpdates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Please also note that during maintenance, players will be unable to login.
Fixed Bugs
- Heroic Deeds are now progressing properly
- Skill trees unlocked by Rank requirements are now unlocking properly
- Knockdown, stun, and other similar effects will not interrupt inoculator effects and buffs anymore
- Fixed Morality Passive Skill requirements
- Fast Aim (passive): The aiming window now displays the appropriate aiming time
- Fixed a bug where Relic weapon models were not showing (Heavy Flamer and Grav Gun)
- Fixed the Haemophilic Shock passive
- Fixed the Optimal Dispersion passive
- Fixed the Domination passive
- Fixed the Reanimator Glands passive in Co-Op
- Fixed an issue with the Warp Bleed Heroic Deed
- Keen Fury now activates in Co-Op properly
- Fixed numerous melee execution-related issues
- During the final bossfight, players now respawn inside the room
- Creating a new cabal no longer brings applicants from the previous cabal into the new one
- Fixed an issue where the AI was idling behind covers
- No Time Wasted and Hard Pressed are now progressing from doing Silence the Guns missions
- Consumable tooltips no longer state that they should give Fate for selling them
- Fixed a bug where everyone appears in their correct region instead of Alpha
- Player Info window now displays completed mission count properly
- Fixed incorrect Fate reward displays at Campaign missions
- The Stride of the Blessed Perk now gives Damage Reduce instead of Vulnerability
- The Cabal Name editbox will now filter invalid characters properly
- Fixed missing description and icon for the Overwhelm buff
- Fixed missing description for Divine Shot's buff tooltip
- Fixed missing description for Warp Resonance's buff tooltip
- Fixed the Castigation passive, it gives the correct amount of Crit now
- Fixed a typo in the tooltip of the Reanimator Glands buff
- Fixed issues with Relic Armor appearance modification
- Fixed an issue where players received inappropriate rewards from events
- The Misfortune spell's duration was falsely indicated in the tooltip (10 sec instead of 30)
- Inoculator, Endurance, Warp Speed, Misfortune, and Fiery Form are no longer interrupted by cutscenes
- Fixed a bug where players could not exit failed Campaign missions
- Fixed a bug where melee+ranged weapon combos had bugged animations
- Controller: Fixed an issue where players could not queue for Tarot or Event missions
- Controller: Fixed the interaction with the Magos Biologis during missions
- Controller: The target lock won't get stuck on an enemy when players die
- Controller: Players can now Target Lock to Nurgle Pustules
- Controller: Fixed a bug where players could target flags during Campaign missions
- Various localization fixes for every language
- Numerous crash fixes
- Unholy Cathedral now has a limited enemy count, but the difficulty increases over time
- The Tech Priest's HP in the Data Sanctum defense mission (Chapter 3, Mission 4) was doubled, and he now regenerates HP as well
- Reanimator Glands: Damage reduce modifier was increased from 50% to 80%
- Chance to trigger a Rosarius Force Field when hit has been decreased 10 % to 2 %, and the duration is shorter by 1 sec
- The Psychic Dominion perk got its 100% damage bonus reduced by 25%
- The Mind Rift perk got its 50% damage bonus increased by 25%
- Shields now benefit from difficulty modifiers
- Sentinel Armor - Summoned turret HP increased by 33%
- The "Seek the Forbidden Knowledge" cabal quest is reworked: Unholy Codex is now dropped by Word Bearers Sorcerers, Champions, Havocs and Marines with a 50% chance, but the required amount is increased a bit (103-175)
- Adjusted the "Reave the Plague Lord" cabal quest: Relics of Nurgle are now dropped with 35% chance instead of 25%
- Cabal directive reroll is now making sure that the cabal won't receive the same directive again
- Assassin holograms no longer do damage to shields
- The Vox Caster's Orbital Strike has got its damage reduced by 20% and delay before impact has been increased by 1 sec
- Many Campaign Investigations got their Fate rewards reduced. A full playthrough of the Campaign will net around 700 less Fate now for a fresh character.
- To compensate, Rank XP gain from Campaign Investigations has been increased by 50%. This is roughly the same amount of XP that players would have received from dumping their bonus Campaign Fate into Tarot missions, so Campaign leveling pace remains unaltered.
Miscellaneous Features
- Execution cutscenes can now be skipped via toggling "Elaborate executions" in the Game Options
- Adjusted the size of the Skull Mask
- Dedicated server stability improvements
- Skull piles are no longer obstacles
- The Character Panel, Inventory, etc. are now closed by the keybind that opens them
- Added new Relic Demolition Armor effect
- The Pending Reward frame has been moved under the Credit/Fate display
- Enemies now have a spawn effect as well during Defense missions
- Datahunt enemies also have a spawn effect now
- Players are now unable to target objects/enemies through walls/doors via controller
- Buff descriptions are now displayed in the pause menu via controller
- Added a new loading screen
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In the next patch can we have an ALMANAC!!!
I'm genuinely getting pissed off having to go to wiki to find out what something does or what a weapon does.
why cant I mouse over something and a little pop up appears to tell me what it does?
Also how's about inside said almanac a model and text as to what weapons looks like, their history and skills each weapon has as well as a model and text as to what each enemy looks like and what it does in combat.
I feel like this is something that should never have been over looked.
Can we also get the fecking thunder hammer leap smash sorted out?
I've had enough getting caught out because my guy decides he doesn't want to jump 10 meters and then smash, oh no my dumb as a box of rock toon decides to jump up and down on the same bloody spot!!!
And while I'm at it, can you please sort out not being able to jump over things with a JET PACK!!!
oh and then there's the fact the enemy seems to be ab to shoot through, around, over and underneath pretty much EVERYTHIING and I cant even shoot over a SMALL BOX!!!
I'm starting to see way too m any small things that are amounting to something that will drive me away from the game which is a massive kick in the face seeing as I've been with you since day 1 and this game has the potential to be 1 of the if not the best 40k games on the market.
I forgot to ask about those frankly boring executions!
Why am I cutting arms off with a thunder hammer?
I/we shouldn't have to realign the fecking camera after we killed the dreadnaught.
If you want to keep it then at least after the execution return the camera to behind our toons!
Also maybe add a skip button so we don't have to watch the same execution again & again & AGAIN!!!
I soon learned that was a mistake. The game is only half formed with so many annoying bugs it just isn't release ready. Every patch creates more hassles than it fixes.
The MP server was so bad about 12 hours ago, that my gaming partner the guy who persuaded me to buy Martyr said "Nah I'm not going to play this game for at least another year, maybe by then it will be playable".
I doubt it, word has got out that neocore scammed gamers so I doubt Martyr will be much different even if it still exists, in 12 months.
The thing that annoys me most of all is the way that running a cursor over weapons and eqipment brings up a balloon as it should but the moment I move my mouse to find out more the balloon disappears. The only way (other than trying to wade thru an outta date unindexed and incomplete wiki) to find out what a piece does is to wear it into a mission - but too bad if the gear is worse than useless you cannot swap it out until the mission is completed.
What moron put up that method and deemed it "good enough for the derps" who pay his wages?
I dunno why I'm even bothering since the odds are high neocore is devoting more resources to censoring accurate non fanboy feedback than it is spending on trying to make a playable game outta this dogs breakfast of code.
I assume you have also done some graphics optimizations, or plan to do it in the near future?)
The way how alot of passives arent being fixed (and some dont work at all) within two weeks of the so called release looks extremly bad for you guys. Have the people that coded the passive trees left the company and you dont know how to fix them?
Relics still bugged, not having any relic-related unique traits/perks/procs attached to them.
This is simply amazing! i would have loved to see that the suppresion tree would become more accessible and i wonder if the 2% rosarius will be too rough but we will see :)
please keep up the pace, i for one still have faith :)
Suppression skilltree buffs are now all one icon,
and I actually like it!
Because it's less distracting than the whole mess it was before!
After the patch I ran first tattot mission which was fine, but issues started with the second one.
I set up the difficulty to impossible, mission is created with proper power level, I even get a warning before start that its going to be hard. But when the mission loads its power level is aprox 250 under my power level and not above. Exp and loot is gained as for easy mission. I tried one more and it was the same (I haven t tried another since I have the exp virus and dont want to waste it). Can you please look at it?
"Knockdown, stun, and other similar effects will not interrupt inoculator effects and buffs anymore"
"Inoculator, Endurance, Warp Speed, Misfortune, and Fiery Form are no longer interrupted by cutscenes"
"Fixed the Optimal Dispersion passive"
"Fixed the Castigation passive, it gives the correct amount of Crit now"
This, too.
"Chance to trigger a Rosarius Force Field when hit has been decreased 10 % to 2 %, and the duration is shorter by 1 sec"
Needed, but wrong approach!
@MEGAPULL This should have gotten an internal cooldown of something in the range of 5-20 seconds instead, the duration was only 2 seconds anyways.
I'd say it would be more meaningful with a 10% chance to trigger, full 5 sec duration like the item version, and 30 sec cooldown.
"The Mind Rift perk got its 50% damage bonus increased by 25%"
Hillarious! :D
At least give us that before encouraging everyone to go max warp heat who does not yet run it like most "cool kids".
"Sentinel Armor - Summoned turret HP increased by 33%"
@MEGAPULL This fix is COMPLETELY POINTLESS without fixing the 2 bugs that prevent you from using sentinel turrets AT ALL!
"Many Campaign Investigations got their Fate rewards reduced. A full playthrough of the Campaign will net around 700 less Fate now for a fresh character."
This is a symptomatic fix for a broken system, making the problem worse instead of fixing it properly!
"Execution cutscenes can now be skipped via toggling "Elaborate executions" in the Game Options"
Much needed since a long time.
Lots of things,
many thingy much needed long since,
some bad things,
many good things,
keep it coming. ;)
Set this current order state as My default.