Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch v1.0.4 - June 22 - Unholy Incursion


Updates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. Please also note that during maintenance, players will be unable to login.

New Features

Fixed Bugs

  • Numerous localization-related fixes
  • Various crash fixes
  • Co-op stability improvements
  • Fixed enchants not working after death or weapon switching
  • Fixed numerous missing descriptions and icons
  • Fixed unfinishable Bunker Busting mission
  • Fixed a few chests that could not be opened
  • Fixed a few malfunctioning teleporters for Hidden Rooms
  • Fixed the Coolant Fluids passive
  • Relic items' unique models are now showing and working properly
  • Fixed the Self Flagellation perk
  • Fixed the Riposte passive
  • Fixed accidentally swapped controller key mappings
  • Fixed textboxes cutting off parts of descriptions
  • Fixed misleading tooltips of various Melee Passives that increase Critical Hit Chance with Melee Skills
  • Numerous leaderboard-related fixes
  • Personal Teleporter issues have been fixed
  • Indomitine's description for the Inoculator has been fixed
  • Fixed Influence Rewards in the Aethon System
  • Fixed a crafting exploit
  • Fixed the Tutorial entry for allies to clarify when players can control them
  • In Chapter 4, Van Winter's Legacy 2, players can no longer fail the mission if they go too far away from the teleporter


  • Turrets no longer drop loot
  • Fixed the Relic "Aura on Kill" enchant
  • Increased damage of Assault Bombardment drastically
  • Increased the Suppression Resistance of Great Unclean One by 150%
  • Increased hitpoints of Leman Russ Demolisher by 60%
  • Increased hitpoints of Word Bearers Decimator by 60%
  • Reduced Suppression Resistance of Sentinel Autocannon by 25%
  • Reduced Suppression Resistance of Sentinel Lasgun by 25%
This post was edited 6 years 276 days ago by Megapull
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Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch v1.0.4 - June 22 - Unholy Incursion
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6 years 282 days ago
Self Flagellation!

It happened!

6 years 282 days ago

WOA wtf.... "Increased hitpoints of Leman Russ Demolisher by 60%" trollololol

6 years 282 days ago

wow, so "optimal dispersion".... was not fixed, why?

Whats so hard to make sure this skill is not insta killing everything with 8k+ damage?

This comment was edited 6 years 282 days ago by andy22
6 years 282 days ago
Posted by andy22 6 years 282 days ago

wow, so "optimal dispersion".... was not fixed, why?

Whats so hard to make sure this skill is not insta killing everything with 8k+ damage?

instead they gave leman russ tanks 60% more HP... THAT was much more needed! ...seriously!

:D :D :D

6 years 282 days ago

I hoped that at least the most broken skill, that actually affects gameplay and coop would see a fix, guess NC had different priorities.

Why was fixing riposte on a higher priority than optimal dispersion, this makes no sense??

This comment was edited 6 years 282 days ago by andy22
6 years 282 days ago
So all the other passives like Red Thirst still wont work? -.-
6 years 282 days ago

Why did my controller layout change?

Skill 1 was on RT now its on A ? I played the whole time using this layout and now its changed, without the ability to restore, change to the layout i'm used too.

Why can't we customize our controller layout, so changes like this can be solved quickly.

This comment was edited 6 years 282 days ago by andy22
6 years 282 days ago
Those Relic skins made my day!

Awesome looking - Well done!

6 years 282 days ago
The suppression  updates are a big issue  now.  When a  single renegade  gunner  can surprise you  it is  too much  especially when considering there are   usually 4 or more firing at you.   The  60% booth was  too much.  lower it to about 20%  then   small boosts til it is  right this is not alpha anymore don't do  big breaking  jumps.
6 years 282 days ago
Posted by Invictus IX 6 years 282 days ago
Those Relic skins made my day!

Awesome looking - Well done!

Yea the skins are nice, I am not feeling naked anymore.

Though I can't understand why they did not fix OD or at leasst disable it until fixed...

Neither can I imagine why they had to buff leman russ tanks, honestly, idc if they have 60% or 100% more HP now, but any casual gamer will find it nearly impossible to beat one even on a just yellow-ish mission.

6 years 282 days ago
The gunners suppression on the higher difficulties is a big issue on classes other than Crusader, a pack of 4-6 Gunners instantly suppress you & your character decides to give up on life & die.
6 years 282 days ago
Since the patch I have been unable to  start the game.  Game crashes while startingup/loading.  Was really looking forward to playing this event.

6 years 282 days ago

At first I thought, turrets not dropping loot anymore is a kind related to a fix to them spawning champion demons with the "taint" tarot card, and the same effect being active in all those "event" missions...

But no!

They still spawn demons when they die, hillarious! :D

This comment was edited 6 years 282 days ago by Tao12345
6 years 282 days ago

Did Hemophiliac Shock: Bleeding Enemies Are slowed get fixed? Last I saw it was not procing with the Axe.

6 years 282 days ago
Must admit It feels a bit strange when you destroys Turrets, sometimes a Daemon jumps forth and attacks. This must be a bug.
6 years 281 days ago
@MEGAPULL‍ we need a hotfix for relic affixes ASAP. You guys can't just drop patches on weekends and leave us with a broken game until next friday. We are already playing with no endgame, and you just destroyed what little of it we had with bugged relics.

Again i prefer a default skin over a "no affix" weapon/armor.

6 years 281 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 281 days ago
@MEGAPULL‍ we need a hotfix for relic affixes ASAP. You guys can't just drop patches on weekends and leave us with a broken game until next friday. We are already playing with no endgame, and you just destroyed what little of it we had with bugged relics.

Again i prefer a default skin over a "no affix" weapon/armor.


6 years 281 days ago
Posted by Backend error 1342 6 years 281 days ago
@MEGAPULL‍ we need a hotfix for relic affixes ASAP. You guys can't just drop patches on weekends and leave us with a broken game until next friday. We are already playing with no endgame, and you just destroyed what little of it we had with bugged relics.

Again i prefer a default skin over a "no affix" weapon/armor.

who exactly is "we" ? Again - not trying to trigger you so i adress you very carefully - it is very ok for you to feel that way and imho also to make demands ( suggestions ^^ ) but personally i would stop getting so angry about everything.

i have similar "aspects" of the game which i would love seeing changed but appereantly no one else bothers so i have to live with it. i would love the "hold the f key" thing to be removed or switched to toggle activation since i feel holding f is a super redundant mechanic. tried a thread. bumped it once or twice. no one feels like i do so i shrug it off instead of starting to fight windmils.

best of luck~

6 years 280 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 281 days ago
who exactly is "we" ? Again - not trying to trigger you so i adress you very carefully - it is very ok for you to feel that way and imho also to make demands ( suggestions ^^ ) but personally i would stop getting so angry about everything.

i have similar "aspects" of the game which i would love seeing changed but appereantly no one else bothers so i have to live with it. i would love the "hold the f key" thing to be removed or switched to toggle activation since i feel holding f is a super redundant mechanic. tried a thread. bumped it once or twice. no one feels like i do so i shrug it off instead of starting to fight windmils.

best of luck~

I don't think holding F is a smart thing either,

and I fully support changing it to a toggle or something less "hold this button for 30 seconds"-like.

Yet, there are many, many things that are much more severe, and might have distracted me (and probably others) from giving that any attention.

As of now:
- relics still spawn mostly without affix
- this makes the only "endgame" of this game completely pointless (!)
- but the most severe thing here, is there has not even been a word from the devs if this is yet another bug or intended (!)

So, what is your point?
You think it's a good idea keeping all lvl 40+ players in limbo or abandoning the game for until there is a fix or at least an official statement to that?
It would not even take 10 minutes each day for 1 person to simply give out some info about what is happening, what is considered broken and what is going to be fixed,
and you would not even need a dev to do most of the work but just hand the info to one of the mods/support.

This makes it look like neocore either has no plan at all,
or does not care,
of which neither is a good thing,
so no reason to give that impression!

6 years 280 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 281 days ago
who exactly is "we" ? Again - not trying to trigger you so i adress you very carefully - it is very ok for you to feel that way and imho also to make demands ( suggestions ^^ ) but personally i would stop getting so angry about everything.

i have similar "aspects" of the game which i would love seeing changed but appereantly no one else bothers so i have to live with it. i would love the "hold the f key" thing to be removed or switched to toggle activation since i feel holding f is a super redundant mechanic. tried a thread. bumped it once or twice. no one feels like i do so i shrug it off instead of starting to fight windmils.

best of luck~

No demands here, i'm just trying to get them on task. When i say "we" i'm fairly sure that i speak for everybody about the relic matter. No one is happy or feel like they spent good time when opening an end mission loot chest only to find a blank/bugged relic item, especially when it's the one they are looking for. Imo i can get as i angry as i want as long as i tell the truth and offend nobody, with all the rights i have by owning the game.

ARPGs are about loot, nothing else, and if loot is fucked up there's no point in playing it.

6 years 280 days ago

"ARPGs are about loot, nothing else, and if loot is fucked up there's no point in playing it."

Putting it "nicely" in one sentence. :D

6 years 280 days ago
idk the relic effects dont look to fancy anyway so im not overly exited but fair enough. my point is that ( again to me ) its not so bad waiting. the game wont decay and even if less people are playing eventually they will check it out again to see whats new its not like a mmorpg where you pay a monthly subscription is why i dont have a problem with waiting.
6 years 280 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 280 days ago
idk the relic effects dont look to fancy anyway so im not overly exited but fair enough. my point is that ( again to me ) its not so bad waiting. the game wont decay and even if less people are playing eventually they will check it out again to see whats new its not like a mmorpg where you pay a monthly subscription is why i dont have a problem with waiting.
Are you serious?!

Those effects are what enables most high end builds.

6 years 279 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 280 days ago
Are you serious?!

Those effects are what enables most high end builds.

so you telling me you dont one shot everything at pl 1.5k without relic effects?

6 years 279 days ago
Posted by leverance 6 years 279 days ago

so you telling me you dont one shot everything at pl 1.5k without relic effects?

- not every build does that

- not everyone choses to use the broken OD

- that alone does not keep you alive in cathedral

- some other things

- iirc it has been fixed already, telling me that is was important, despite anything you said ;)

6 years 279 days ago
Backend error 1342
At least you can still play.. game wont even load for me since the patch.. crashes 5 secs into first startup.  Devs have my crash reports, DXDiags, and I've tried every suggestion people can come up with.  Tried extra video cards, clean install of program, clean install of drivers, moving program install in steam, running verify files, monitor resolutions, compatibility mode, dropping from NVidia drivers to generic PnP drivers, running off the built in intel video card rather than dedicated graphics card, any suggestions the forums had for increasing performance such as custom Nvidia settings, running as admin, disable fullscreen optimizations, changeing DPI scaling, running the install utils.... Nothing.. game popups up with the loading icon.. the gear turns for like 5 secs then I get a crash popup report.  So ... yeah you can still play and do the event.  My cabal is wondering WTF why I cant play.
6 years 279 days ago
Posted by Tao12345 6 years 279 days ago
- not every build does that

- not everyone choses to use the broken OD

- that alone does not keep you alive in cathedral

- some other things

- iirc it has been fixed already, telling me that is was important, despite anything you said ;)

of course not every build... but alot of builds for every class and also melee/ ranged. i did not say anything about importance. i explained why it was not that big of a deal for me and i even explained why. so now even with relic effects working still not every build one shots everything so my point kind of is proven~