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- Global Event: Unholy Incursion
Global Event:
Unholy Incursion
Warhammer 40K NewsInquisitors!
A new Global Event will take place in Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr starting June 22, 2018, 7:00PM CEST (after a 2 hour period of maintenance).
Unholy Incursion takes the players to the Lacaon system where you'll be responding to the heavy Chaos Space Marine presence - with appropriate force.
Based on the community's feedback we're offering separate tiers of rewards and an extended period: this week-long event will conclude on June 29, so every player will be able to join and meet the criteria. There will be three special named enemies from the three participating Fallen Astartes Legions (Alpha Legion, Black Legion and Word Bearers.)
Event description:
The backwater Lacaon System was cut off from the Sector for a long period of time and it remains a severely problematic region for the Caligari Conclave. A highly-classified Inquisitorial investigation that successfully foiled a collaboration of three Chaos Marine Legions in the Subsector has already proven that the Lacaon System could play a significant role in the next phase of their master plan. The Holy Ordos have been allocating resources to monitor this region.
Recent events indicate that the time has come to intervene. The worlds in the Lacaon System still bear the marks of the pacification process against the heretic forces that gained power during the decades of separation. Something has stirred up the flames of unrest in the system again. There has been a terrifying surge in cultist activity on almost every world in the region, slowly assuming apocalyptic proportions. To make matters worse, Inquisitorial assets report the presence of various Chaos Marine Legions as well – these abominations are working in unison again, wreaking havoc on the planets crippled by the recent civil wars.
By the time the Imperium could react, they had already lost one world in the system. It was deemed to be past recovery and the heavy orbital bombardments turned Draquis Alpha to ashes. The most important planet, Lacaon Maioris, is a heavily fortified Shrine World that is safe for now, but the coordinated attacks of the enemy are still threatening the other planets.
The Caligari Conclave is sending all available agents to the Lacaon System. The mission is simple, but it is of vital importance: stop the unholy incursion on the affected worlds and save the Lacaon System.
For the Emperor!
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So the event is over, was there any storyline that went with the end of the event? I logged in it looks like we lost one planet and I got a reward but no story text about what we accomplished or failed at.
One thing I might suggest with these events is some sort of special mechanic. Path of Exile was pretty famous for this back when I was playing: maybe some sort of items that are dropped by special enemies that appear which allow you to open secret zones where you can fight different bosses, etc.
After my thoughts about the first event, which where a little mixed, here are my impressions about the running one. Even if nobody is interested in them.
For Solo Players it is doable. Yes you have to grind a little. But the game is an arpg so grinding is unavoidable. You can do those 40 missions without the time pressure from the first event. The Rewards are OK and the challange level is balanced.
For the community there is again a "common goal". Each player has to check a little, on which planet missions have to be done to avoid losing it. If we keep it up, those 3 rewards belong to us. So cheers on this awesome community.
AND.... the devs gave a thought to include the cabals. This event is a first taste, where active cabals can achieve something working together. Well OK, my one person cabal won't win anything. Not even system influence but I have respect for those 100 Top Cabals. They earn their reward.
So instead of complaining about small bugs
Devs, that event is well done. Keep it up
...but also work on the bugs and the (usefull) comments from the community.
What does these 2/1000 actually show/mean?
There was a time when you can pay full price for a game on release and you get a game that did have bugs but was still a COMPLETE game.
This game has so many features missing with the crafting system not fully functioning(fusion in particular, as demonstrated by airsickhydra), execution feature "not fully realized" as megapull commented, Some number of redundant skill trees becuz they don't work (namely execution and damage over time). They commited to a date of release and gave us an incomplete game. I can live with bugs but having people pay full price for an incomplete game promising for future content and fixes sets the bar low. Don't call these people kids for complaining because they paid with their money and would wish to enjoy the game in it's complete form.
Now the devs are not even responding to concerns of the current event. Don't get me wrong, I've put in almost 100 hours into the game and I like it, but i see alot of wasted potential in it. I really hope this game becomes better like vermintide did after future updates.
oh and most relic items i get are crappier then artificer items. They have to come up with a way to distinguish and set relic items apart from the lower tier items. else it ain't as rewarding and it will get old pretty quick. These ARPGs are all about the grinding for loot after all.
Thanks for ur amazing work guys!
Sarcastic but not agressive ... Hope you don't take it at the letter ;)
The most disgusting thing in and around this game is not the bugs and things they still have to work out,
but those hyporcritical wannbe attentionwhore fanbois who use alt accounts to do thumbs up on their own posts and thumbs down (which is a not available for a reason in most places) on anyone that calls out their self centered hypocritial behaviour.
Having so many of those here is actually a worse sign than the (actually pretty common) releasing of a game that is technically still in early beta.
Last event was: grind 50-60 missions
This event is: grind 50 missions
Granted, it does look slightly better than the last one, and the "tiered rewards" are probably better than the useless emote we got from the last one... but please... this is not how you do events!
That would be ok for a f2p/p2w-browser-game, but not for an actual game that I payed 50 bucks for.... seriously...
Sarcastic but not agressive ... Hope you don't take it at the letter ;)
Where are special scourge missions?
Firstly, love the relic skins :), the event is looking good too
one question, where are the "scourge missions"??? not seeing any on maps at all
How about them? Are you perfect? Is there anything perfect in this life? Just enjoy the game and stop trying to find small flaws just to argue about. They give us an event every week that on my point of view helps a LOT new players to level their characters, us our alts or pile up faith and credits for our mains and everyone have a good time! I've played already 30 missions at least haven't found anything wrong.
They heard our feedback and they gave us tiers, they gave us a whole week for the event not just a weekend so all players can do it. They gave us new maps, new units, new armors and a new plot just in a week! Can you do better than that? or have you seen ANY other game's devs out there acting like that and so fast. Forgot to mention they fixed a problem of mine in just 20 min with the live chat in forums.
If you find a bug u can report it.
Stop complaining like little kids who don't have their ice cream on time. Don't be haters, noone likes them and they don't give anything back to the community. They just devour and complain, don't be like them, be creative.
The armors, the items, the event, the maps, rewards, everything.. it's GLORIOUS!!!
Good job guys!! 10/10!
The armors, the items, the event, the maps, rewards, everything.. it's GLORIOUS!!!
Good job guys!! 10/10!
Last event was: grind 50-60 missions
This event is: grind 50 missions
Granted, it does look slightly better than the last one, and the "tiered rewards" are probably better than the useless emote we got from the last one... but please... this is not how you do events!
That would be ok for a f2p/p2w-browser-game, but not for an actual game that I payed 50 bucks for.... seriously...
Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Will it be possible in the future to a quire rewards from older events?
Wasn't strong enough in the last event and lost another since I've brought the game after launch.
Fight on Brothers!!
Thank you for your time and effort, for listening your community and giving us tiers in the community event. Once again you prove that you listen to us. I really hope for a better reward though with all the respect. We will participate in the event and we are going to have a good time with all the things you created.
(sad face)
My heavy bolter is locked and loaded!
I hope that isn't the case. Leaderboards will be set within the first 30 minutes. I took "separate tiers of rewards" as meaning individual accomplishments earn more rewards.
The only thing the Leaderboard should be for is bragging rights and maybe some in-game history.
Hope poeple will continue playing and wait for end game with this kind of event =)
Set this current order state as My default.