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- Inquisitor - Martyr: Patch v0.8.2 - May 25
Fixed bugs
- Fixed an issue where Tarot missions displayed +0 Rank XP at the end
- Fixed an issue with the Hoard, Pestilence, and Murder Tarot cards
- Fixed Mind Reset not working properly
- Fixed several map spawn points
- Fixed a missing tile on the Wordbearers 2 map
- Fixed unfinishable Purge mission where the last enemy was outside the map
- Fixed perk selection with controller
- Fixed missing chest positions on a few maps
- Fixed a continuity error where players had an inoculator in the first Tutorial
- Fixed jumping/charging through closed doors
- Fixed collision of several covers
- Fixed incorrect minimap display
- Fixed the Extreme Fortune consumable
- System Influence bar now appears properly
- Added new maps
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6 years 253 days ago by
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