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- Inquisitor - Martyr: Content Patch v0.7.0
Inquisitor - Martyr: Content Patch v0.7.0
Warhammer 40K Patch NotesUpdates to W40K: Inquisitor - Martyr have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client (in on-line mode) is restarted. It is also recommended to delete any launch parameters you previously had (you can re-add them if they help again, but it is safer to assume everything works best without them). Please also note that the backend server might take up to 30 minutes to transfer to the newest update, during which time login will not be possible.
Character Wipe
Due to the massive leveling changes that the community asked for as described in our previous post, we have issued a full Character/Account reset in the game as simply put, it would not be possible to transfer anyhing from the previous version of the game due to the sheer amount of mechanic changes.
New Class: Primaris Psyker Inquisitor
Certain Inquisitors used to serve the Imperium of Man as Primaris Psykers before they have reached their current ranks in the Inquisition. They are among the rare sanctioned few who can wield Psychic powers legally. Since Psykers could present a potential danger to entire worlds, the Inquisition relentlessly hunts them down, and those who are strong enough are recruited into Imperial service, fulfilling vital roles – like the Primaris Psykers. Their powers are drawn from the Warp as a weapon to smite the enemies of the Emperor, and Inquisitors with the Primaris Psyker background are experts in harnessing these boundless energies. In combat they rely on their psychic powers, preferring light armour and psychically attuned weapons.
A Primaris Psyker Inquisitor channels otherworldly energies, but they always risk damnation, deadly backlash from the Immaterium, not to mention the corrosive consequences of this sinister power on his own psyche. In game terms, Psyker Inquisitors gain penalties for using psychic powers, which may spawn Warp anomalies, so this character class requires a very different gameplay style compared to the Crusader of the Assassin Inquisitor.
There are three main specialist Inquisitors with Psyker background in the game, depending on the special wargear they use. Aetherwalkers employ an ancient, psychically reactive armour that phases its wearer between the Immaterium and Realspace, permitting to travel short distances in the blink of an eye. The Empyreanists gain their most important power from the product of a secret research project: even the existence of this ceremonial armour is denied outside the Caligari Conclave, as it uses long-forgotten xenotechnology to create a Warp anomaly that halts the flow of time for a short duration. The Scryers have a lightly armoured, psychic-attuned suit, the Warpbound Armour, which permits the Psyker Inquisitor to project its disembodied presence over the physical world, to gaze beyond the veil and take a look around without being detected.
New Features and Changes
- Revamped Leveling
- There will be a separate post on this later, will be edited into the changelog as well.
- Based on our previous Dev Letter
- New map setting: Voidship
- Implemented the first chapter of the campaign that also serves as a tutorial
- New map clutter added: Blood Splatter, Decals, Corpses
- Added Chatboxes above NPC heads
- Intro video added
- Main menu theme added alongside numerous other soundtracks
- Tons of new sound effects added
- Lots of polishing done on the panel handling
- Fixed force feedback issues
- Redesigned Inventory/Comparision usage
- Halved vendor buy prices when selling items
- Refined AI & Patrol scripts
- Mission select screen revamped
- This change is temporary though, we will make mission starting faster in the future.
- General chat has been regionalized
- Cabal missions received a rebalance
- Ally Guardsmen received a 100% HP boost and a +45 Defense bonus, while their damage was nerfed by 20%
Bug Fixes (Under Construction)
- Fixed numerous issues causing item loss
- Fixed an issue where players got thrown back to the bridge after successful missions
- Fixed an issue where the spawn cutscene at the beginning of the missions got stuck
- Attribute bar now fills up properly
- Skill Trees now unlock properly
- You can no longer sell items while the shop is reloading its inventory
- Fixed a bug with the Hourglass Tarot card
- Fixed a Fate exploit involving reselling blueprints
- The small windows for missions are now displayed while in the Hub properly
- Fixed issues with dual wielding 2 overheat-capable weapons
- Added new rebel videos
- Influence rewards are now given properly to players
- In the stash, the tooltips can no longer freeze the game
- Inoculator cooldown values now update properly
- Fixed missing strings on the Glory window
- Fixed the Toughness III bonus
- Chat Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where minimizing and restoring chat broke the whole window
- Chat history no longer gets deleted
- Chat is now updating while minimized
- Right-click functionality no longer goes away
- Chat no longer instantly appears on the character screen
- Cabal Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Cabal Assassinations could not be completed
- Blessed Alloys can now be contributed properly
- Electro Fragments can now be contributed properly
- Cabal now updates members faster and smoother
- Freshly joined cabal members can no longer disband and modify the cabal
- Portrait frames will now only have the "Invite to Cabal" feature if the target is indeed not a member of a cabal
- Controller no longer gets chat window stuck
Also, thanks for the continous support and patience - without you guys, this would not be possible :) Since this is a huge update, a follow-up patch/hotfix is already in the works to remedy numerous things. Stay tuned!
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Please rename the Primaris Psyker specialist called the "Empyreanist". There must be a better alternative, something less ridiculous and a bit more enigmatic, perhaps something like "Chronists" or "Empyrists" or the like.
Nice update guys. The Psycher is a really interesting class.
And the way you can customise the skills for him with the terminal on the HQ is a nice addition. Also it's a good direction as a concept. Hope some similar options will be available also for the Assassin and the Crusader.
+ Do you plan to implement some sort of feature in the final game to perform skill swaps also during missions?
(e.g.: calling down some kind of drop pod station to manage skills or inoculators ect like some sort of mobile HQ?)
I think it is more an issue when the game boots up right after the patch. keyboard wouldn't work with text box to re-enter the our account name if the controller was plugged in. I haven't tried the controller since and have played regular mouse and keyboard. I'll try it again today and see if i can input text with the keyboard.
I think it is more an issue when the game boots up right after the patch. keyboard wouldn't work with text box to re-enter the our account name if the controller was plugged in. I haven't tried the controller since and have played regular mouse and keyboard. I'll try it again today and see if i can input text with the keyboard.
Just tried it. Did not worked. But thanks for advice anyway :)
Just tried it. Did not worked. But thanks for advice anyway :)
Same thing happened to me as well, i solved it by totally uninstalling the game from steam and re-downloading again. Hope this helps =)
I am starting game on steam and getting "version error" info. what the heck?
Getting a buzzing noise through speakers when starting most missions. Did not happen the first time I made a psycker. but following character made after that the buzzing occurs at mission start.
Really glad to see that you guys pulled through. One thing I will say immediately about this patch, please don't have controller input as the default when a controller is detected. I had to alt + F4 in order to type in a name for online use because input for the name creation box was no longer selected.
Will there be more Character Wipes???
Really glad to see that you guys pulled through. One thing I will say immediately about this patch, please don't have controller input as the default when a controller is detected. I had to alt + F4 in order to type in a name for online use because input for the name creation box was no longer selected.
Agree with this 100%. I had my controller plugged in and auto detect kicked in when it loaded. Couldn't input the necessary info as the keyboard and mouse didn't work with the controller plugged in for some reason. Had to alt/f4 and unplug the controller before I could make my character.
Still downloading, but let me say job well done on keeping to your promised deadline for this update. *Claps*
The Emperor PROTECTS!
[although a fully loaded Heavy Flamer doesn't hurt either...]
Really glad to see that you guys pulled through. One thing I will say immediately about this patch, please don't have controller input as the default when a controller is detected. I had to alt + F4 in order to type in a name for online use because input for the name creation box was no longer selected.
Set this current order state as My default.