How to use extras that came with Imperium Edition and skull pet?


On ship I go to the extras console and I cant equip or even see the 5$ skull I bought or access the extras that came with my imperium edition, such as footprints/emote.  I see the slots for the things but they all say not available, what gives?

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How to use extras that came with Imperium Edition and skull pet?
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1 year 108 days ago

Hey, can't find you by this name. Got an e-mail address you registered your account with? Feel free to contact me privately if you don't feel like disclosing your e-mail account publicly. You can contact me on this website's support chat, or DM me on our Discord server. My name on there is 'oeregharcos - Neocore Support'

This comment was edited 1 year 108 days ago by oeregharcos
1 year 109 days ago

Gamer Tag: CoomSloot

Character Name: CoomSloot

6 years 205 days ago
Posted by Caur 6 years 209 days ago

Imperium Edition

Xbone: Caur

Character: Caur, Cauren

None of the DLC extras are working. Same exact issue as others. Concerned that season pass isn't working either.

Was able to use the posted workaround for Xbox One. With the game running, hit the Xbox Button, manage the game, uninstall the extras. With the game still running, reinstall the extras.
6 years 208 days ago
Posted by Fizban 6 years 211 days ago
Hokay this is what i did to get mine working.......

1.  while in game. xbox button to my games and apps

2.  Manage the game 

3.  Uninstall the extras (doing all this while the game is still going in the back groung)

4.  as you uninstall each one it show up in the avaliable content tab just above.

5. reinstall each one (10mb each so not much of a hassle, not the point i know buuut)

6.  wait til installed 

7. check extras console.

I did this and it fixed all the items including the extra preorder mission.  Im not sure how to see if the Season pass is working. Ill guess il wait and see if they try to charge me more money. 

This worked for me also.


6 years 209 days ago
Same here,i hope Season Pass Works.

Game is great btw

Tag: Ursurper1987

6 years 209 days ago
Posted by Hadesfeuer 6 years 209 days ago

Char: Silvana, Chrohnoss

And 2 others i forgott the Name 

6 years 209 days ago

Char: Silvana, Chrohnoss

6 years 209 days ago

Imperium Edition

Xbone: Caur

Character: Caur, Cauren

None of the DLC extras are working. Same exact issue as others. Concerned that season pass isn't working either.

6 years 211 days ago
Hokay this is what i did to get mine working.......

1.  while in game. xbox button to my games and apps

2.  Manage the game 

3.  Uninstall the extras (doing all this while the game is still going in the back groung)

4.  as you uninstall each one it show up in the avaliable content tab just above.

5. reinstall each one (10mb each so not much of a hassle, not the point i know buuut)

6.  wait til installed 

7. check extras console.

I did this and it fixed all the items including the extra preorder mission.  Im not sure how to see if the Season pass is working. Ill guess il wait and see if they try to charge me more money. 

6 years 211 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 213 days ago

Can you guys provide us with your

PSN ID / GamerTag


Character name

Everyone will retroactively get their extras, do not worry.

On PS4, there is a "Recheck Licenses" feature that supposedly helps this problem!

hi does this apply to the xbox one as well as im still waiting on my code for the servitor skull,i sent my details and proof of pre order but still have not received it? any help will be most appreciated.

Gamertag TheCelt76


character Inquisitor Morigantus

6 years 211 days ago

My season pass does not work nor did get any of the bonuses for getting the imperial edition meaning from the season pass. Im supposed to receive a theme and some in game items but its like my season pass dont exist. I restored my licenses and still didn’t help. Appreciate if you guys can help get this fixed, thank you in advance. Other then that, great game. 

Psn: Masta_Spock

Console: Ps4 

Characters: Lady Ena , Lord Deimos

This comment was edited 6 years 211 days ago by Wolfsiren
6 years 212 days ago
Posted by Taskmaster 6 years 212 days ago

Having same issue,  with servo skill only, emote, decor, and foot prints working fine. Just no pet.

Ps4 version

Tag: Taskmaster

Name: Lord Null

Edit: PSN: T-13-3-14
6 years 212 days ago

Having same issue,  with servo skill only, emote, decor, and foot prints working fine. Just no pet.

Ps4 version

Tag: Taskmaster

Name: Lord Null

This comment was edited 6 years 212 days ago by Taskmaster
6 years 212 days ago
Gamertag Davisto 

Character Davisto


6 years 212 days ago
Not work dlc content and servo scull from imperium edit. xbox version. 

xbox gamertag: BoooM 39

character name: BoooM

6 years 212 days ago

I can now use also the Servo-Skull, it becomes available in the Extras terminal yesterday evening after around half an hour I was playing.

6 years 213 days ago
GamerTag- Col Coltrane

Character name- Warconstruct

Purchased Imperium Edition and Skull pet. Tried all recommendations in this thread and no items.

6 years 213 days ago

Yeah I had the same issue but somehow was able to get my items after I completed the prologue.  But I have the season pass for my Ps4 and I did not get any of the included items it said I’d get with them for purchasing the season pass. I ended buying the Imperial Edition and its like my season pass does not exist. No theme, no pets, no bonus missions. I also tried restoring my licenses and still nothing. 

Psn: Masta_Spock

Console: Ps4

Character Name: Lord Deimos

This comment was edited 6 years 213 days ago by Wolfsiren
6 years 213 days ago

Yesterday I have bought the servo skull pet and I can not use it, the extras from Imperium edition are correctly working however.


R6 Krycek



6 years 213 days ago

Can you guys provide us with your

PSN ID / GamerTag


Character name

Everyone will retroactively get their extras, do not worry.

On PS4, there is a "Recheck Licenses" feature that supposedly helps this problem!

This comment was edited 6 years 213 days ago by Megapull
6 years 214 days ago
Cannot access extras for xb1 either. Deleted extra files and redownloaded from store. Still not accessible, please advise. Praise the omnissiah.
6 years 214 days ago
Same tried it many times never worked and it still doesn’t :(
6 years 215 days ago
Posted by R6Krycek 6 years 215 days ago
  1. From Home, select My games & apps
  2. Find the Inquisitor tile andl press the Menu button  on your controller (the small one with 3 lines) 
  3. Select  manage game and add-on then place the cursor on the content file press Menu button and uninstall
  4. Download the extra content again fron ready to install or from game page in the store
oh so the tree is the add content files, lol never heard it been called that before but anyways tried that many times and it didn't work. It just decided to start working yesterday but have no idea what fixed it.
6 years 215 days ago
  1. From Home, select My games & apps
  2. Find the Inquisitor tile andl press the Menu button  on your controller (the small one with 3 lines) 
  3. Select  manage game and add-on then place the cursor on the content file press Menu button and uninstall
  4. Download the extra content again fron ready to install or from game page in the store
6 years 216 days ago
Posted by R6Krycek 6 years 216 days ago
On Xbox I fixed the issue by deleting the tree content file (not the game) and downloading them again, all the extras correctly appeared in the extras terminal then. 
How does one go ahead with deleting this "tree content file" and downloading them again?
6 years 216 days ago
On Xbox I fixed the issue by deleting the tree content file (not the game) and downloading them again, all the extras correctly appeared in the extras terminal then. 
6 years 216 days ago
I have the exact same thing, ruddy launch bugs eh?
6 years 216 days ago
I’m also having the same issue on Xbox with the Deluxe pack and Servo Skull.
6 years 216 days ago

I feel your pain.  I am having the same issue.  Glad I'm not the only one.

6 years 216 days ago

We are aware of this issue and it will be fixed as soon as possible! Sorry for the inconvenience.

6 years 216 days ago

With respect, that's the problem, it is not accessible in the Extras terminal/console, as I state in my original post. It all shows up as not available!!!  I see the slots at the extras terminal, but there is nothing selectable that I bought extra or that came with my imperium edition, so the question is where is these items, as I have downloaded them all from the xbox store, as well as the fact I paid an extra 5 dollars for the skull pet, which is not selectable either!!!!

6 years 216 days ago
Posted by Megapull 6 years 217 days ago
Go to the Command Bridge and find the Extras terminal.
With respect, that's the problem, it is not accessible in the Extras terminal/console, as I state in my original post. It all shows up as not available!!!
6 years 216 days ago
Lucky Console people, eh? Having Skulldust Emote,  extra Decoration they can use on their ship and even Footprints. Wished we PC players could have this too. Thing is, I would bought it asap when available.
6 years 217 days ago
Go to the Command Bridge and find the Extras terminal.
6 years 217 days ago
Same. Got items. Checked store. Says I own them and installed. Cannot access. (sad face)