How many char slots with Sororitas DLC?


I just wondered how many char slots are supposedly available after buying the Sororitas DLC.

Because I have 12. I could create two more yesterday, had 10 before.

Now my problem is, when I delete #12, a second sister of battle, I can create a new char but it tells me I already have the maximum number of chars before I can finish character creation.

Resurrecting the deleted char works, bringing me back to 12.

It's weird. Should creating character not be greyed out if 11 is already the maximum?

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How many char slots with Sororitas DLC?
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2 years 85 days ago

I do not know if you did something, but I just tried to create a char and it worked! Maybe it was due to Hotfix v2.7.0b. No idea!

It is working now. :)

2 years 86 days ago

The game tells me I have 1 slot remaining.

But when I try to create a char it reads:

"Limit reached: you can't have any more characters (please delete one)"

2 years 86 days ago

2 is not enough, you add 1 class and 3 variants... I was ever stuck before, and I will stay.

The pleasure of this kind of game is to reroll, moreover when the game start to be old. 

Adding a lot of new slot will be nice, or an offline branch, I don't care. 

2 years 86 days ago
If you own the Sororitas DLC it adds 2 more character slots to your pool.