Hide loot text button not working.


So there is the button. to hide loot text perhaps?
It doesnt work. it never worked.
I would like to be able to hide loot text, since it gets way seeing things.
I would like to hide the text, since i can still see the loot on ground.
I know that autoloot will clear items off the ground. but when i want to collect only high quality gear.
I can see low quality text on the ground, and it fills the combat zone with unnecesasry text.
Let me be able to hide text of loot, and let me able to hide text of loot of specific rarity.
And let me able to hide text of loot and not the supply or medical, their text i want to see.
would it be too much work to fix simple hotkey? and would it be too much work to improvise the information we see on the screen.
Tactical HUD is great example that you guys are able to do good customized view on press of the button.
So would you fix it please? would you improvise also? thank you.

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Hide loot text button not working.
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2 years 91 days ago
When you open your options and go to controls keybinding and scroll down you will find "highlight items"
2 years 91 days ago
Which button is it again? I might overlooked it but could not see it among the shortcuts.