Heroic Deed not working!


The heroic deed "Hunter of Hunters", where I am supposed to kill 5 bosses at powerlevel 1500 or above is stuck at 1/5 for me. I am way over powerlevel 1500 (1900+ at the moment) and killed bosses right and left, but this heroic deed does not progress :-(

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Heroic Deed not working!
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6 years 67 days ago
Then please visit the Lacaon system where you can do Nemesis battles!
6 years 67 days ago
I have all DLCs except for the newest one and I am through all of the story.
6 years 68 days ago
Are you sure you killed Boss-type enemies? There are less than a handful of them which can be found (2 in the campaign and the Nemesis in the Nemesis battle).