Heavy Flamer Phosphorus Splash (4th) skill multiplayer bug


The animation for the blast lands at cursor location and will even proc the Seasonal burning mechanic, but the actual skill's damage and knockback/knockdown still occur at max range. The skill functions fine in singleplayer, but in multiplayer the skill's projectile continues to travel invisibly out to the maximum range regardless of cursor location. The Scorched Earth (3rd) skill is fundamentally the same (aim to cursor AoE) and functions correctly in multiplayer when firing at ranges shorter than max range. The included video demonstrates this bug; I fired 2 shots at max range then 2 shots at shorter range while in multiplayer on the Seasonal NA servers.

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Heavy Flamer Phosphorus Splash (4th) skill multiplayer bug
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3 years 350 days ago
A nice catch, thank you for the video. We will check why its not working in coop!