complete German language bug


Bug when you change from english to german

When you use German Language they stay always a common for a word. 

A example in english stay Exit, on German Common.Exit

The complete German Language is unplayable

This post was edited 7 years 165 days ago by julia97
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complete German language bug
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7 years 165 days ago
The same here.

Change the language from english to german and got Common.exit bug.

And also i dont have any Sound now. No matter how often i change the audio or language setting it still keeps quite


7 years 165 days ago

Last start i choose english again and restart the game. All now normal again.

7 years 165 days ago
Posted by Morzan 7 years 165 days ago
Thank you for the report! 

Yesterday i switch from english to german. Today all options and Buttons the same as Julia97. Now.... it doesnt matter whether language i choose evertime the same.

best regards

This comment was edited 7 years 165 days ago by SkyFox
7 years 165 days ago
Thank you for the report!