Game Launches at 2 to 5 FPS 


When i launch the game it runs on the integrated graphics card at 2 to 5 FPS and i can't change any options in the game what so ever ... what should i do to play on my GTX 960 M. I play on MSI laptop. I run doom 4 and so on so i don't see why this isn't working. Please help !!! i would like to purge !!! 

This post was edited 7 years 362 days ago by Devian
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Game Launches at 2 to 5 FPS 
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7 years 362 days ago
The updated build will have better FPS, and also you'll be able to customize graphics options, so be patient :)
7 years 361 days ago
i am also having this issue which in the current state is making the game unplayable. i am currently running anywhere from 2-5 FPS while attempting to do a mission. I restarted steam to make sure i had gotten any update that had happened and also tried to jump into any beta builds which as you know there are none. 
7 years 361 days ago

On my ASUS ROG laptop as well and meet the Optimum Specs and run choppy at 4-5 FPS regardless of GFX settings as well and it opens my Intel Integrated GFX on my system tray so I think this is true that it's running on the integrated as well.

Intel i7 @ 2.8 ghz
GTX 1050 Ti @ 4 gigs
16 gigs of RAM
Windows 10 64 bit

This comment was edited 7 years 361 days ago by liquidprimus
7 years 361 days ago

Also I couldn't re-edit my comment but I pull up my overclocking/monitoring software and my GPU is running at idling temp/clock so it's clearly not actually using laptop GPU's for some reason.

7 years 361 days ago
Posted by Lothar 7 years 361 days ago
i am also having this issue which in the current state is making the game unplayable. i am currently running anywhere from 2-5 FPS while attempting to do a mission. I restarted steam to make sure i had gotten any update that had happened and also tried to jump into any beta builds which as you know there are none. 
Hey, i have the same problem... 

Updated to the newest version but i still get only 2-5 fps ingame.

Any Solutions yet?

7 years 361 days ago

if you disable literally everything and turn the textures and shadows and everything all the way down you can get a solid 15-18 FPS which at least makes it playable but is still less than ideal. Im sure we will see more improvements after they throw out another update we just wont be able to give a whole lot of good feedback until then.