Game crash & Shields


It seems that every time having completed a mission the game will crash if, I have some sort of active shield. For example when a temporal shield is active, or when a personal void shield is active.

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Game crash & Shields
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7 years 276 days ago

I always use personal void shield (like 5 stacks) and I have't experienced this kind of crash . 

So, it's interesting. Are you sure that the shields causing the crash?

This comment was edited 7 years 276 days ago by Morzan
7 years 276 days ago

I do believe so, as I have only had 3 game crashes as of this time. The first was whilst playing an assassin who had the temporal field running when I accepted the mission, that was a few days ago. The other 2 crashes were today, again when I accepted the end of the mission and, both occasions I had the personal void shield up on a crusader.

7 years 275 days ago

For what it is worth and, further to my previous post. :)

I just completed another mission with an assassin and made a point of accepting the mission as complete whilst her temporal shield was activate; the game crashed as before. It would seem to be a combination of an active shield when clicking on that accept button.

7 years 275 days ago
We will investigate this issue, thanks for the detailed feedback!