For the 4th time we lost all loot and levels from a campaign mission


At the end of the mission after all four players push "quit" the game lingered and took awhile until the screen finally faded. Once we returned to the ship all levels and loot gained during the mission was lost, but the mission itself was marked as finished.

This is the fourth time this happened and this time it became the dealbreaker for us, and our group took the decision to give up the game after just 1/3 of the campaign.

This is heartbreaking because we actually liked the game. All four of us bought the game with all dlc's together and even the guy who normally don't like diablo-games enjoyed it. We truly wanted to play this one, but after this happened for the fourth time we are too demoralized to continue. We had a vote and saw no other option than to give the game up. I did send in a ticket but that is all.

Apperantly this have been happening for a long time.

This post was edited 3 years 117 days ago by JemyM
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For the 4th time we lost all loot and levels from a campaign mission
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3 years 93 days ago
I am by no means insightful in your code, but I suspect the game do not save progress to the server until the end of the mission and there's something during that critical moment that doesn't have enough resources to handle four characters at full inventories. Potentially zealous anti-cheat code.
3 years 95 days ago
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope we can deal with this sooner or later (rather sooner) and we will see you back.
3 years 96 days ago
Yes, we discussed the matter and agreed that it is probably left to leave the game alone until a fix have been implemented. We would only play the game with 4 players anyway and requesting manual compensation after every evening would probably end up tedious. We discussed trying out Van Helsing as a replacement but we are worried to encounter similar issues there. If the real issue is found and patched up we are happy to check out those packs we got as we did enjoy the game while it lasted. Thank you.
3 years 100 days ago
All 4 of you got compensated for the loot loss you suffered in Co-Op. Please check your respective main characters' inventories.

The compensation is not the most optimal way to handle this issue, we are aware of it but the problem is already under investigation. It appears if 3 or 4 players assemble together. A team of 2 doesn't experience this AFAIK.

3 years 100 days ago
Your in-game Account names is the names you are using in-game. That means the name that pops up on for instance  in-game Leaderboards.

So if your PCs Steam Account is called Larbitz, and your In-game Character is called Zlarbuniz. It is none of these.

If your Leaderboard name is Whackznappa... Then THAT is YOUR In-Game ACCOUNT name.

Just saying since I know many people have mixed these things in earlier occasions.

3 years 101 days ago
Posted by Brother Kundari 3 years 102 days ago
He asked for you & your partners Inquisitor In-game Account names. He doesn´t care about your Steam or Profiles here.

I have no idea how this is different or where to look that up. These are the names that appear if one use the function "Player Info" on them.

3 years 102 days ago
Posted by JemyM 3 years 103 days ago

Certainly. I am not 100% sure my friends made a Neocore profile here though. I also believe there are several players known as "bohlin", therefore I added the creation date and steam profiles to my friends.

My account is "JemyM" with character "Dr. Lord"


Fredrichl (2021.10.07)

Humletorsken (2021.10.07)

bohlin (2021.10.08)

He asked for you & your partners Inquisitor In-game Account names. He doesn´t care about your Steam or Profiles here.
3 years 103 days ago

Certainly. I am not 100% sure my friends made a Neocore profile here though. I also believe there are several players known as "bohlin", therefore I added the creation date and steam profiles to my friends.

My account is "JemyM" with character "Dr. Lord"


Fredrichl (2021.10.07)

Humletorsken (2021.10.07)

bohlin (2021.10.08)

3 years 104 days ago
Could you please tell us all of the players' account names who were involved in this problem? 

Thanks in advance!