

Interesting new design, I like it, but it will take some time to adjust.

This post was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Psojed
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7 years 166 days ago
Downloading it now, lets see what we've got!
7 years 166 days ago
me too cant wait wish i had a faster connection
7 years 166 days ago
Ready to test and kill heretics! Lets get this underway :D 

Time to nitpick about lore and aesthetics :') 

7 years 166 days ago
Hey you must have been cheating. I was still searching for the Location to post my "First!!!!" ;-D

Hello and welcome to Inquisitor. Beware the alien, the mutant, the HERETIC!!!

7 years 166 days ago

Just wanted to let you know guys that the current build what you're playing or downloading  is an old one and will be updated in a few minutes.

7 years 166 days ago

I wanted to jump right in, but now I read the requirements, and my computer is just below minimum, so...I'll be watching ;)

7 years 166 days ago
18 Min left for Download and 10 before leaving house for pizza ;-D 

Karma is shit :-)

7 years 166 days ago
Thanks for the Info. I'll try it later again.
7 years 166 days ago
Is the new build out yet, as I am playing some build right now and I have no idea which one is it
7 years 166 days ago
Hah so best to wait a bit with jumping in? 

I am guessing there is a submit bug template inside the builds we use?

7 years 166 days ago
Well already found a bug at least in my side, every time I press ESC in the main menu the game crashes, kek
7 years 166 days ago
Yes, please wait a little bit. We are going to update as soon as we can. 
7 years 166 days ago
The Corgissar
The build you're playing is not the current Founding build, it takes a few more hours to update.
7 years 166 days ago

Ok, thanks for the info guys, already managed to score a cutscene kill with the E button but than I took a picture and RIP game lol,

I shall wait patiently, looks nice.

Back to Dota it is!

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by The Corgissar
7 years 166 days ago

Hello guys,

The build is currently being uploaded to Steam. Should take another 50 minutes or so. The current build that you can download is a very old one, and we are constantly changing the files, so I'd advise not to download the game for another hour, approximately, as you can mess up your game quite easily this way.

Thanks for all the support guys, I really dig the enthusiasm :)

You can add me on Steam ('Megapull') and I'll help you with issues during the following 3 days.

This comment was edited 7 years 166 days ago by Megapull