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Hello guys,
The build is currently being uploaded to Steam. Should take another 50 minutes or so. The current build that you can download is a very old one, and we are constantly changing the files, so I'd advise not to download the game for another hour, approximately, as you can mess up your game quite easily this way.
Thanks for all the support guys, I really dig the enthusiasm :)
You can add me on Steam ('Megapull') and I'll help you with issues during the following 3 days.
Ok, thanks for the info guys, already managed to score a cutscene kill with the E button but than I took a picture and RIP game lol,
I shall wait patiently, looks nice.
Back to Dota it is!
I am guessing there is a submit bug template inside the builds we use?
Karma is shit :-)
I wanted to jump right in, but now I read the requirements, and my computer is just below minimum, so...I'll be watching ;)
Just wanted to let you know guys that the current build what you're playing or downloading is an old one and will be updated in a few minutes.
Hello and welcome to Inquisitor. Beware the alien, the mutant, the HERETIC!!!
Time to nitpick about lore and aesthetics :')
Set this current order state as My default.