Final game reset?


After seeing the console release date pushed back it has made my mind up to go down the PC route, obviously by buying it now I can jump straight in on the Beta but I know there was a complete wipe of progress from Alpha to Beta, is there also going to be one on June 5th? Meaning if I start now is it going to get wiped again in a week? 

Feel like I’ve seen something in terms of a release road map for IM but can’t see it anymore, can somebody confirm this? 

This post was edited 6 years 269 days ago by Senor Purger
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Final game reset?
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6 years 268 days ago
I hope maybe add something reward for alpha and beta users.
6 years 269 days ago
It was confirmed earlier that there IS a wipe of all accounts and characters on June 5th for the PC release. You are also correct that you will be able to join into the PC Beta immediately if you purchase the PC version of the game. Hope to see you around in game!