Feedback on Combat


Hey guys

Again - can't hold back with the praise. Much more stable. Much better to play. 

Onto feedback

- Minimap - as a player, it would be useful to be able to tag a location on the minimap

- Minimap - as a player, it would be useful to be able to see supply crates / medical crates on the minimap

- Visual Feedback - as a player, I should be able to see the arc for melee abilities so I can gauge range

- Ability Feedback - Shield Block - says its a cone, only seems to strike one mob at a time? is it a cone or does it only hit one mob?

- Chainsword - Chainswords should leave a dot on mobs that bleed? Maybe as a combo - if I hit them with a chainsword while CC'd, I can put a DoT on them?

- Multi-melta - not enough damage versus armoured targets such as dreadnoughts. Should ramp MUCH higher on the 1. Should potentially debuff armoured targets to take more damage versus the player

- Customization on missile ability on demolition armour - choose arcing versus straight fire missiles?

- Sector Map - As a player, tooltips explaining challenge rating would aid my decisions on where to deploy next for a decent challenge. I think low numbers = easier? Yellow = about right difficulty?

This post was edited 7 years 358 days ago by Helwinter
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Feedback on Combat
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7 years 357 days ago
Posted by Martoq 7 years 357 days ago
You mentioned mini map markers. I would love that if you find a grenade or inoculator supply box and you leave it because you don't need it the mini map would auto mark it for you. That way if you do need it,just open the map and find where it was at and grab it.
Yup, agreed, which is my second feedback point

Being able to custom tag is the alternative, just in case players want to mark something else up on the maps.

7 years 357 days ago
You mentioned mini map markers. I would love that if you find a grenade or inoculator supply box and you leave it because you don't need it the mini map would auto mark it for you. That way if you do need it,just open the map and find where it was at and grab it.
7 years 358 days ago
Thank you for your feedback! Noted!