Fate at high inquistor rank


With the recent patch (6.3) the amount of fate granted at higher levels has been hit  fairly hard.

I'm level 50 powerlevel 1445 I used to get around 20 to 28 fate for doing missions around my level meaning 4 to 5 runs and  you can do a tarot mission.

Since the patch the most I have gotten is 2 admittly I've only really got white and green missions but from chatting to people it seems even red mission at around my level give 3 to 4. Meaning between 45 to 23 missions (50 and 25 for a shaping)

Your looking at a fair few hours none stop grinding to get enough fate for even a single tarot mission now.

This is going to be a aweful grind to high 50 (and potentially higher) as it  is. 

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Fate at high inquistor rank
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7 years 146 days ago

Indeed, we have reduced fate rewards. Fate is now rewarded based on the Power Rating difference. Base reward is 2 Fate and every 50 Power Rating difference gives +1 Fate.

7 years 146 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 146 days ago

Indeed, we have reduced fate rewards. Fate is now rewarded based on the Power Rating difference. Base reward is 2 Fate and every 50 Power Rating difference gives +1 Fate.

So if you are say for instance a fresh char (power rating 50) and have a buddy Inquisitor to drag you to say the current last system (power rating 1200+ missions) you can still essentially earn what good portion of the playerbase deem as a reasonable Fate reward right? As well as retain the uber Account XP gains from doing this too due to only the Host's power rating being taken into account for the mission modifiers etc.

Base Fate of 2  with a +1 for each 50 power lvls would be roughly 25 Fate as a fresh char getting carried to the last system.

When you look at it this way it does not seem so bad providing you have that buddy that is already ranked up and the "being carried/boosted does not change.

7 years 146 days ago
Posted by Megapull 7 years 146 days ago

Indeed, we have reduced fate rewards. Fate is now rewarded based on the Power Rating difference. Base reward is 2 Fate and every 50 Power Rating difference gives +1 Fate.

Dont you miss the 100 fate per day cap that was mentioned in the steam forums in your answer? For testing purpose this patch was a shoot to the knee because if there is no ressource to test stuiff noone will test it. Make your system to see if it fits your intend for release but give everyone who plays the Alpha a 1k fate pakage each monday for testing purpouse. All you do atm is to force us into repetitive actions that test nothing but dmg numbers.