Game Won't Start


As it says in the title....I press PLAY in Steam, nothing happens. I have Win7, several others with Win7 are complaining as well.

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Game Won't Start
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7 years 172 days ago
Fixed right now.
7 years 172 days ago

Hello, the game does not start on Windows 7 at the moment due to the update of our backend system, GameSparks. The earlier iterations of the 0.6.3 patch were fine on the operating system, and this is why we have overlooked this issue. We will fix this ASAP (I'm thinking today) - Thanks for your time and my apologies for the problem we have caused. 

7 years 172 days ago
Yes, this will be fixed today. 
7 years 172 days ago

According to Dev post on Steam, issue will be patched tomorrow.

7 years 172 days ago

There is some directx 12 features implemented that won't let the game start with windows 7.

if you launch the game via the executable directly you will get an error Message saying:

"The procedure entry Point CreateFile2 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll".

CreateFile2 is a dx12 Feature and Windows 7 is limited to dx 11