error in prestige of ordo


Hello, I noticed that in the missions to raise prestige:

1.- they don't give you the prestige points they give for their base (Example, the mission information says they give 4 points and I only receive 2)

2.- Although I enter tarot cards and increase the prestige points (from 4 to 8) I still receive a lower amount (8).

This error detracts from the effort of the players to increase the prestige in each oprdo. As a player I hope you have the lack of learning from the mistakes you made at the launch and do not continue to take game modes with errors of this type.

Attached screenshots of:

-screen with 2 compliant missions (the reward should be 18 pts, 9 pts per mission with the improvement of tarot cards)

- screenshot of mission selection with cards (points given)

- Full mission screenshot with points earned.

- screenshot of how the meter goes after completing the third mission, of the 25 points it should have, I only have 7)

I'll look forward for your answer.

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error in prestige of ordo
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5 years 222 days ago
We are already working on this issue, thanks for the screenshots! 
5 years 222 days ago

I had the same problem today.

Ran +9 missions (3 Tarots), got way less.

I hope Neocore gives us the points back, especially considering the 3 mission a week limitation...

This comment was edited 5 years 222 days ago by treecargarage