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- Encountered bugs and screenshots of some.
Encountered bugs and screenshots of some.
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportThis is a mix of bugs i encountered on my first steps in the game.
Spawning imbalance
On some random generated levels i spawned with a nurgle dreadnaught inside one of the green healing pools.
It was literally indestructible and made it impossible to progress further into the map.
Enemies not responding or defaulting to idle animation after being killed.
A lot of the enemies you kill will just stand there in a T form. Their default animation.
Some of the enemies failed to notice me at all, and just stood there in the room waiting to be killed by bolter fire.
as you can see the starting weapon texture for the plasma cannon is also missing.
The nurgle healing pools heal the enemies inside for the same damage you deal to them making them indestructible.
And some other smaller bugs:
* The execution animations will not happen even when you get the execution prompt ( e )
* A lot of the small cover walls are not destructible which results in enemies having a huge advantage
* Items you pick up during the missions sometimes will not show up in your inventory
* Random crashes after completion a mission, sometimes resulting me into having to hard reset my desktop
* Deleting a character on the main screen results in that old character model still being there. You can however create a new character right away
This is it for now! Will return to play testing right away.
Btw LOVING the small details and the overall feel of the game!
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Well at least we reported this :P
Set this current order state as My default.