dlc Achievement


The achievement called Demonstration of purity is not working. I have killed the enemy over 30 times but it has only counted 2 of them. it does not help that there are 2 enemies with the same name and it does not say what difficulty it should be on.

I have killed them on green and yellow difficulty missions but dont count either for achievement of the in game counter.

Only on red difficulty missions they count or at least they did now they dont count on that difficulty 

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dlc Achievement
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1 year 198 days ago
Hey there, thank you for your report. Could you please let me know what is your in-game account name, and what platform you are playing on, PS/Xbox/PC?

Also, mind you, to count the kills towards this achievement, you need to be under the effect of an Act of Faith. Any normal kill of Chaos Engine Elites won't do it for this one. Please make sure that is the case. Cheers!