disconnected at end of mission, no rewards given.


Twice in a row, Crusader, purge heresy, small, kill the last enemy (dreadnought) then press ok to leave mission results in dumped back at bridge, with character hopping around, then a disconnect from server.

No XP, rewards or items picked up remain.

If you remain on bridge, you get a blank character screen, press play, you enter a black bridge. Have to exit game and reenter to get back connection.

On a sidenote, even the small maps take me about 30 minutes, any chance of lighter maps for us who can sacrifice small amounts of time, but still make progress? 

Store Page
disconnected at end of mission, no rewards given.
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7 years 308 days ago

Problem still present. Sometimes with sometimes without disconnect. I never recieve anything for completed missions. All characters are completly kept from progression.

7 years 322 days ago
AFAIK we found this bug and fixed it late yesterday, so we'll post an update for it probably.
7 years 323 days ago

Managed to do one mission sucess by waiting for timer to run out. Next mission though, crash to desktop.

*edit* CTD, the items I found were given, but the mission didn't count as succeed, investigation.

This comment was edited 7 years 323 days ago by Liljagare22