Did I missed something


Today an Interrogator of an enemy Kabal reported to his Lord Inquisitor, that the Players on XBOX an PS4 can purchase an "Imperial Edition" that contains "Exclusive Digital Content" and a Season Pass. I heard of it the very first Time. But my Investigations shows: You (Neocore) stated, that there will be a payed Expansion in a couple of Months. Surprisingly ....

I do remember the very early Times, where you (Neocore) stated, that all Expansions will be for free. We will have to purchase every Expansion with the Fate, that we gained by playing the Game. I'm not as stupid as ist seems, even I become older every Day .... Why you think we can't remember that early Statements?

If it's true, and I have no doubt that you (Neocore) will betray us at this Point, we (the Players) want to know: Do we (the Players) will find later a Season Pass for the Game at the Steam Store too? Why a Season Pass will be limited to one Year only? And how we can get the "Exclusive Digital Content"? We (the Players at Steam) are the Founders of the Game, as you have steted just at June the 5th. Our Names are at the Credit List (not all, but many). Didn't you think: We have the Right to be participated at every Content that is released to the Game - even if we have to pay for it (what we shouldn't do).

I'm very disappointed about this. And this .... Evolution of you Policy will be included at my Review once it is ready to be released. I'm VERY disappointed .... 

P.S.: We are talking about a Game, that contains a Story about Heresy. Isn't it true Sarcasm, that we now talk about a Betrayel performed by the Highest Institution (the Developer)? Abaddon is right, even if he is a Fool: "The legitimation of all of the highest Institutions is build on a Basement of petrified Lies."

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6 years 271 days ago

I'm not wrong. That was stated in September 2017, and once I had found this (September 22nd) I transfered that Information into another Forum. That's why I'm sure - without any doubt - that this Info was given as a Fact. Unluckely I didn't linked the Source, and now it's nearly impossible to find that old Announcement since we got several hundered Threads past the Release of the Alpha/Beta Stage in 2017.

But I'll try to find it, nothing is lost in the Web-Ways.

And here it is.

The only thing that needs to be paid are "two huge Expansion". But all within the very first Year should be free for all. And there is the Hint, that sometghing has changed. If the Season Pass for the Consoles is payed for the first Year only, but the very first Year is no DLC expeted that needs to be paid, why someone should purchase the Season Pass?

This comment was edited 6 years 271 days ago by Brax Malcharion
6 years 271 days ago
i remember them saying that every 3 months there will be story expansion completely free for us but i don't remember them saying anything about free game expansions. Maybe you confused those two brother.
6 years 271 days ago

Thats a really strange stance in this day and age, even if the devs actually advertised it this way. You have no right to anything, if you don't like what you got for your money contact steam and you will get a refund.

From what i have seen so far, the current content/size looks fair for the money we spend, anything that's added later is extra value that should be priced accordingly or if the devs feel like it could be made free, but thats up to NC.