Dataflux not regenerating for my Adept (nothing to do with perks)


I am Brotastic voyage on steam, the name that pops up above my character portrait in upper left of game screen is Brotastic and the characters name is Sandro lvl 47 I play on PC if anyone on the team wants to investigate.

My data flux has stopped regenerating which sucks because the Adept is my favorite Character.

It has nothing to do with my perks.

I read some where that a complete skill reset may fix it but I would rather not waste my time doing a reset if it can be helped.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Dataflux not regenerating for my Adept (nothing to do with perks)
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3 years 120 days ago

We checked more deeply into the issue and it seems there is no bug occurring here. You have had no remaining reserve due to the many Destroyers. As soon as you free up some slots and add other Constructs, you will more reserve which recharge.

3 years 126 days ago
We see the problem but don't yet know what is causing it. As soon as we will have any workaround to provide I will reply back here!
3 years 126 days ago
Just an update I reset my all my skills (passives) and I am still having this problem