damage Reduction


Chatting with some other older gamers last night about this game,  critical attacks and the lack of response about it , the question of damage reduction came up. 

Is it currently implemented and, is it dependent upon 'Deflection/Dodge' in a similar manner that some believe Critical Attack Strength works with regards Critical Attack Chance?

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damage Reduction
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7 years 268 days ago

What we were  wondering was that given that Damage Reduction is a value, whether the deflect/dodge chance when successful activates the damage reduction; given it's position in the chart and that Critical Attack Strength is also a value, that it activate in a similar manner to Critical Hits.

This comment was edited 7 years 268 days ago by Grey Knight
7 years 268 days ago

I think I could have done a better job in explaining then, 

Dodge/Deflect is 100% damage reduction or rather complete damage avoidance for that particular attack. Hence 30% dodge will Dodge 30% of attacks. I am absolutely certain of this. 

Damage reduction is either a % reduciton or a figure reduction to all incoming damage, haven't managed to figure that out yet.

7 years 268 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Which neatly brings us back to original question of whether/how damage reduction is implemented.

Whilst I can understand the reasoning regarding Dodge/Deflect, I have used the block on the shields enough times to wonder if that is the case, regardless of how reasonable it sounds.

But, given how it is becoming increasingly evident what Neocore's policy is regarding meaningful communication with its player base, I think I will just shelve the game until the next patch.

7 years 268 days ago
Grey Knight

im not sure if i have done a bad job of explaining this but damage reduction has been implemented at least in a sense that wearing gear with damage reduction has a noticeable effect on character damage intake. Due to the numbers being so low I can't calculate if it's % or flat figure so the only question left is the "how" - Although I wouldn't be surprised if it's the same thing given the average weapons damage hovers around the 100 point.

Block as an active ability / mechanic on shields is a whole different story and reduces incoming damage as a % on top of what ever your current mitigation is. Completely independent and in no way related to deflect and dodge as character stats.

Hope that helps.

7 years 267 days ago
Airsick Hydra

When you use  the block on a shield, notice what wording appears. ;)

7 years 267 days ago

Seems I was mislead by the tooltip. It's hardly a "defensive stance" which in most games signifies a prolonged reduction in damage.

Having just tested it, it seems pretty self evident that it's a .2 second frontal damage immunity ability which blocks (deflects) projectiles for its duration. As it is 100% reproducible on a character with 20% deflect it is therefore  independent of your deflect %.

Hope that clears it up?

7 years 267 days ago
Airsick Hydra

So you would think, but I have used it repeatedly on my Crusader and discovered that it is not always 100% effective.
But what do we know, we have just paid for the honour of being guinea pigs. lol

7 years 267 days ago

I think the lack of effectiveness is because the duration is literally .1-.2 seconds (that's reliable) Which seems odd to me. 

and yes - likely the lack of clarification re a lot of technical stuff is because it's still a work in progress :D

7 years 269 days ago

The only thing I can contribute is that the -Damage type armor effects are implimented and stacking them has a huge impact on the characters mitigation. I've reached 28 physical resist, whatever that equates to.. But it certainly had a noticable impact on incoming damage indipendent of dodge % or deflection % (which was 0 at the time)

@Megapull Look forward to clarification re if its a % or not, as per crit. 

7 years 268 days ago
Airsick Hydra

Unfortunately the various resistances are different from Damage Reduction.

7 years 268 days ago
Grey Knight

Damage reduction - The tooltip implies "reduces all incoming damage by X" - Given how the character and damage scales this would actually fit and make more sense than the traditional +Armor % which most games offer. 

Then we have chance based mitigation as dodge / deflect as a % chance to mitigate 100% damage from that particular attack which I can confirm to be the case.

Then the grey area of elemental resistances ie warp/heat which i'm suspecting are a "reduces damage by x amount"

They could all be % based but having looked over how your stats scale from power level to power level (weapon damage and health doesn't change all that much) it would actually make more sense for it to be a flat number rather than a %.

Hope that clarifies your question re dodge/deflect dependency. That's about all i know on the topic of mitigation thus far. 

This comment was edited 7 years 268 days ago by Airsick Hydra