Crafting Queue


Crafting Timer/Build Q,

when crafting a item i get no form of confirmation that its actually being built, theres a box in the bottom corner of the craft screen that says "empty" which  i assume should have the current item with time remaining but i get nothing, also when i click craft the materials in the schematic grey out but nothing is taken from my mats inventory.

only way i know if something as been built is if i log out then come back later and check with the npc.

not sure if this has been discussed  already so sorry if its old news.

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Crafting Queue
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7 years 340 days ago
Good spot, already logged on Mantis.
7 years 340 days ago
Also crafting may stuck at completion and do not deliver crafted item. At that point you can't craft at all.
7 years 339 days ago
Posted by Aedwynn 7 years 340 days ago
Also crafting may stuck at completion and do not deliver crafted item. At that point you can't craft at all.

This is what I was facing, too. :(

7 years 339 days ago
Same problem, crafted a Bolter and cant seem to collect the finished item on multiple characters.

Tried resetting but no success, crafting is now blocked for all characters.

7 years 338 days ago
Shamus Steel
I'm having the same issue. Set up some Demo Armor to be built, logged out. Checked the next day, it's just sitting there complete with no way to collect it. 
7 years 338 days ago
Sadly I am stuck with that behavior for  all characters, even newly created ones. Hence I cannot craft at all. 

Did anyone find a workaround, how to make crafting work again, or do I need to wait for the next drop?!
7 years 338 days ago
Shamus Steel
I have the same issue with armor, I had previously successfully crafted and obtained but since the armor crafting is locked, hopefully the next patch fixes the issue
7 years 337 days ago
I know deleting one character and restarting doesn't help, I am going to do a full restart tonight deleting all characters and starting over but I am unsure if it will work yet and it will also not prevent it happening again until it is patched.

Ill try to update here if I get it working again