Controls suggestion - Assasin


Having four seperate keybinds for the assasin's dodge roll is tedious, I think the skill would feel more natural if there were only one key for it, and the direction of the roll was dependent on the direction of the mouse cursor in relation to the character. This idea is found in other games with similar skills, like the demon hunter's roll ability in Diablo. Hope someone with power reads this..

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Controls suggestion - Assasin
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6 years 276 days ago
my goodness many thanks to you and angrypillow!
6 years 278 days ago
What angrypillow said. select the checkbox for dodge to mouse cursor, then just assign a single key to the dodge forward button. I used  side button on my mouse for that. then whenever you press the "dodge forward button" it moves you in the direction of your cursor.
6 years 278 days ago
There is the option in  settings to make it so you have 1 dodge key which make you dodge to mouse cursor. Maybe try looking in settings first ha ha.