Constrict "debuff bug"


Hi There and sorry for the bad english.

i use the constrict spell, and i see that he is make not that debuff effects what is listet to than. not on yellow and not on red suppresion:

Here we see the spell and the debuffs for the enemy (knockback, shock, slow and blind):

Here we have ouer frsh victim that i shoot down to yellow suppresion (the only way to make that on distance is my pyrotik staff):

and than cast constrict on the enemy, and we see it have on yellow suppresion absolutly NO effect:

than i shooting him down to red suppresion and make the spell. it makes the damage and luky for the thread he is not dead and we can see  on red no debuffs after cast:

 Thanks Your Bolt Thrower

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Constrict "debuff bug"
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6 years 26 days ago
The skill description has "deal warp damage to a single enermy if the target has no suppression bar or its suppression status is red" ... so the enemy won't take damage even with a yellow suppression bar.  May be that's the reason, may be those debuffs won't apply if the damage don't apply.
6 years 27 days ago

Yes I knew it. 

But when a boss is about to die and his repression level is almost zero (red), I find it odd that there is no debuff.The boss is just one example.

Your last dlc is good (city of suffering). Can we loot something special ? Or are they simple chests ?

6 years 27 days ago
Please note that only if the enemy's suppression is yellow will they be affected by the debuffs! If it's green they won't get the debuff!
6 years 28 days ago

I only use shuffle and the warp baton's spell as an attack spell. I also use the abtitude diversion but sometimes no debuff appears.

6 years 28 days ago
So with the Haemorrhage skill you cannot put debuffs on the enemy? Would you please give us the correct name of the other spell? We will check on it! 
6 years 29 days ago

Not only with units that have a repression bar.

6 years 29 days ago

Against all of the units of the Dark Eldars you experienced this issue? 

6 years 31 days ago
Van Bolt Thrower

I did not have the problem all the time.
A few times with warp baton spell and haemorrhage in normal mission and sometimes in taros. 

But every time I had the problem it was with the dark eldar.

6 years 31 days ago
what spell?

6 years 31 days ago


I had the same problem on ps4 with my psyker in the new zone of season 1 but with another spell.

6 years 33 days ago
Thanks for this report as well, it was fixed on our end. Now these masteries can be put on the skill and only then will they provide their respective tags!