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- Constant players disconnect in 4 party multiplayer during Void Crusades!!!!!
Constant players disconnect in 4 party multiplayer during Void Crusades!!!!!
Warhammer 40K Bug ReportThis game has been unplayable since the "offline patch". Anyone who is not the party leader gets "constant disconnection" either after the mission is done or during the mission. Only the party leader does not now get disconnected.
I really really love playing this game but during a season Void Crusade is unplayable in multiplayer co-play games. How can we complete a Void Run in under 60 minutes or a complete Void crusade if everyone gets disconnected every mission??? To spend 2h+ hours working together only for everyone to get disconnected before they can open the 6 loot boxes at the end is heartbreaking and frustrating that my fellow Cabal members do not want to play this game anymore. How do you expect to have people buy the new class/DLC in 7OCT24 if bugs are game breaking?? I want to support the developers but I am not pre-ordering or buying the new class on 7OCT24 until the game is stable enough to be played. PLEASE FIX THIS BUG AS SOON AS YOU CAN OR THE PLAYER BASE WILL LEAVE.
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Raiygie, I can assure you this is 1000% due to your "hot fix V2.9.2" for offline mode. This has been verified in detail in ad nauseam with "oeregharcos_Neocroe Staff" via Discord. Since "hot fix V2.9.2" broke multiplayer and constant and consistent crashes happen in a party 2-4 every 1-2 missions (Void Crusades, Intel Mission, Warzone, etc.) This has absolutely nothing to do with individual players' computers. My cabal (25 active players) for the last 3 weeks might have sent 3,000+ crash reports to the developers, all anyone has to do is check the logs. I have been informed by "oeregharcos_Neocroe Staff" that the developers are aware of the code causing the hard crashes and are trying to fix it. I do believe if this is going to take time, I strongly recommend rolling back "hot fix V 2.9.2"
Consistent crashes in all forms of gameplay, not just void crusades. Multiplayer is unplayable.
I agree there should be some reconnect mechanism as long as the party has the same original players in the session, this prevents frustrations trying to complete Seasonal Feats ("Complete a Void Crusade with 4 info fragments in under 60 min") and the game hard crashes for everyone except party leader who ONLY can get loot boxes everyone grinded. Games that have built-in reconnect mechanisms are
1. Nintendo "Mario Party Superstars" which is a competitive PVP
2. PC/Console "Elden Ring" multiplayer PVP and Co-Play
1. It happened every time for everyone (sometimes just 1-2 of us) for all 23 void crusades in a complete run with 2 bonus missions except me the party leader.
2. It's consistent and constant.
3. Please fix!!
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