[Complete two purge missions] is 'impossible'


[Complete two purge missions at your level or higher withing 30 minutes] becomes impossible around level 60 , because none of the sectors spawn enough missions of that type, or at that level...

The problems started around level 60.
The 'second toughest' sub-sector (rating 60-65) spawn missions that are actually 60-, so these do not qualify.
The 'toughest' subsector spawns missions (66-68)+ which are too tough.
When there are missions created at 60-65, they are too few, or not the right type.

Story missions are not (reliably) of the correct type.

I can not use tarrot cards to get get low-level missions to 60, or the description of the tarrot cards that affect level change once you achieved the level (not sure which).

I tried clearing out all missions in a subsector to trigger a re-spawn... again ot enough missions, but now I am at level 63.

At lower levels completeing these challenges was fair enough because enough of the right level/type were available.

Or am I missing something?

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[Complete two purge missions] is 'impossible'
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5 years 100 days ago
That's helpful. 

Random assignments are not my favorite though.
Is the 'Collateral Damage' in those missions based on how much property you destroyed during a mission?
Or is it just some random stat?

Because if it is, then I totally I hate hate how Glory can retracted from your progress by some random factor.

Also, often.
On peak hours (Friday, weekend, evenings), the random assignments are often reduced to a single (or perhaps two) missions...

For now, I find that my needs are met by playing void crusades.
Just a same that they are always exactly the same.

5 years 103 days ago

I'm a psyker 100 lvl .  I completed this task very easily. Need to use random assignment at the astropth. Choose the desired complexity and two purge missions happen very often. For example, on complexity +8, I made all daily challenges.