Chainsword & rod is incoherent mess


When trying to add Psalm combination and put in shards into sockets with Chainsword & rod combo item, description says range, melee, onehand. If you then put in the melee 1hand psalm code Ordanitus, shroud, emanatus & Voltaic(100% melee 1hand) it doesn't affect damage of any noticeable degree fall that I can tell, then if I do Emanatus, Electro-haze & Iron(75% physical damage) that add damage to both mutilate & blinding strikes skill, then if I add in cybersmith shard V, which add 25%melee damage it works. So why on earth has the code word for 100% one hand not working as it fill the description, also why is range even in the combo item description when it accept melee shard damage buffers for both its abilities, it makes no sense and is illogically incoherent.

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Chainsword & rod is incoherent mess
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2 years 81 days ago
I forwarded the problem to the tester team, thanks for the detailed report!